Yeah i was here b4...BUT decision isin coming days

<p>Yeah Ive Posted about Drexel's Sports Management already. Drexel told me they sent my decision in the mail, so it should be here soon. So i figure i should get chanced... </p>

<p>White Male, NY </p>

<p>Intended Major : Sports Management, Politicial Science </p>

<p>GPA 3.6 UW, idr W (but its actually really high) </p>

<p>SAT's (stink) 520 CR, 520 M, 510 Math </p>

<p>EC include- National Honor Society, Studen Gov, Student Council, Class Rep, VP of YMCA Leaders club, Debate Team , Model U.N, etc, etc, etc </p>

<p>Close to 800 hrs of community Service (not joking), YMCA Camp Counselor (11/12) </p>

<p>6 AP's (including this year, id rather not reveal all my scores...but they weren't all bad) </p>

<p>VIP Application (if that means anything...idk) </p>

<p>I ATLEAST have a shot...right?</p>

<p>yup you have a shot… good luck!</p>

<p>i think you have a great shot!!! everything looks up to par. Great EC’s btw!</p>

<p>oh sweet deal thanks guys!!!</p>

<p>@Op, you’ll get in, Drexel isn’t too competitive, I got in with a 3.2 uw and 1210/1800 SATs, and you have more ec’s, so you’re fine, and your SATs are fine, (close to what doctarjayrad got).</p>

<p>oh hey guys…sorry i 4 got 2 update … i got in! thanks 4 the insight tho!!</p>