Yes, Another Chances

<p>I’m currently a High School Junior @ a public school in New Hampshire. . I’ve always loved Brown & based on these stats up for my junior year so far, what chance do I have on possibly gaining acceptance.</p>

<p>GPA Unweighted: 4.3
Rank: 14/460
Top 4%
SAT Scores: Not available yet</p>

<p>*Our school has limited AP’s and very few for juniors; Honors is the highest level class offered</p>

<p>Junior Year Schedule & Current Grades:</p>

<p>AP US History: A
Physics (Honors): A-
Concer Choir: A+
Wellness: A+
Advanced Acting (springtime)
Algebra II (Honors): B
English (Honors): A+
French III (Honors): A-/A</p>


<p>Varsity Field Hockey; 3 years
-State Semi-Finalist: '05
-State Quarter-Finalist: '06
Model United Nations
-Individual Best Delegate Silver Medal (U-Mass Lowell)
-4th Best Overall Delegation for Tanzania (U-Mass Lowell)
-Best School Delegation (Northeastern)
Student Council; 3 years
Student Voice
-Vice President
SADD, 2 years
Peer Outreach (Trained Mediator); 3 years
French Honor Society
English Honor society
Math Honor Society
Theater Productions
-Four Performances</p>

-Community Service (not going to list all)
-HOBY Award Nominee
-Part-Time Sales, one year</p>

<p>Potential Major: International Relations</p>

<p>**Any info/Suggestions on Improving my Stats/E.C.'s would be Great! Thanks!</p>

<p>You are only a junior, and things can change, but I'd say you seem to be on the right track to becoming a competitive applicant. Take the SAT's and do well, obviously. Maybe get in touch with a field hockey coach later in the year if you're interested in pursuing it in college. Also, I was just wondering how you can have an unweighted GPA of 4.3, especially if you have a B in Algebra?...but yeah, don't worry too much yet</p>

<p>^opps! I meant the 4.3 is weighted NOT my unweighted one. The B in math has not weighed me down too significantly, but ever since freshman year, I have struggled with it. </p>

<p>Since I haven't taken the SAT's yet, around what score PSAT score may help to see if I would possibly be a competitive applicant?</p>