Yet Another CommonApp Problem Topic...

<p>I need enlightening:</p>

<p>1st> where shall I put that I attended GovSchool during the summer ?</p>

<p>2nd> I asked the director of my Gov School program for a rec letter.. only thing is I placed her as a "teacher" (it was either that or "counselor"). Should I ask her to mail the rec letter as a supplement ? (I already have all my teacher recs btw)</p>

<p>3rd> I am an International... and I don't know hot to fill in the "current year courses" section...</p>

<p>Thank You For Your Help....</p>

<p>3rd> I am writing an essay for the Additional Information section. Problem: it is pretty much the same essay required by the supplement of Yale. Is it possible to sumbit that essay as additional information to all universities, and leave that section blank for Yale (for which I'll be using that same essay for the supplement part?)</p>

<p>again, thank you</p>