<p>I am a senior in high school. I got a 18 on the ACT and a 960 on the SAT. My classes are alegbra I,history,science,Social Studies, and Chemistry. This year I got cut from the football team. (I was the only one to get cut, because the coach was a jerk) I have a solid C average, and ranked 100th in my class. However I am the equipment manger of the chess team. I think that's it. What are my chances?</p>
<p>I'm really sorry, but unless your parents are planning on donating a building or something I don't think you'll get in with your grades and scores.</p>
<p>Don't feel bad for him Alyssieann, this is an imposter. I think that given the fact that you say you are transferring to Boston College from Notre Dame, your chances of getting in (especially with fictional scores) are pretty slight. I would recommend picking up a sport or activity though as that may help you with some of the extra free time that may be spent on thinking up fictional posts :). </p>
<p>I have no idea who nd4life is, all I know is that he has a couple personalities and also is 7'3" if you believe his previous posts. Don't waste your time guys, I already wasted too much!</p>
<p>nd4life is a fraud</p>
<p>that's what you think!!! HAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!</p>
<p>"However I am the equipment manger of the chess team"</p>
<p>Haha that's gold man.</p>