yoo chances at some normal b schools?

<p>i was just wondering if you guys could chance me for my list of b schools. please tell me if i was dreaming when i made this list lol. im not sure but i might want to do pharmacy too =/ </p>

<p>asian male from nj
GPA W: 3.952 UW 3.33ish
-rank is optional at my school, i chose not to report it
-class of 286
-last year, our school sent 15% of its students to ivies, and top 20 national universities out of 220 kids</p>

<p>Board scores
760 math 630 CR (i cant read) 700 writing
750 us history
740 math 2c
ap us history 4
ap statistics 4</p>

varsity tennis 4 years at #1 singles, league and county awards etc
marching band 3 years
3 other clubs for 3 years
around 150 hrs of volunteer</p>

<p>Business schools</p>

<p>NYU Stern
UT austin
Indiana Kelley
UNC- chapel hill
USC marshall
villanova </p>

<p>Pharmacy schools
Rutgers #1 choice
ut austin
ui chicago
st johns in NYC</p>

<p>be as harsh as you want!!! thank so much!</p>

<p>oh yea psat score i got commended 212 and im in national honor society :x</p>

<p>rutgers is fine, you'll get in
only slight reaches would be unc and maybe bu</p>

<p>BU isnt a reach at all. UNC is probably a near match w OOS.</p>

<p>lol you have NO or little chance actually.</p>

<p>aw man lol... any other opinions? bump :x</p>

<p>No chance at what? Dont listen to them man.</p>

<p>Good shot at these:</p>

Indiana Kelley
USC marshall

<p>I think you have a shot at UNC.</p>

<p>what percentage do you think i have? thankzzzzzzzzzzzz sawry for a bump =/</p>