You know you're too obsessed with college admissions when...

<p>LOL!! Loved the decals too. :)</p>

<p>How about:</p>

<p>When a casual conversation turns to colleges and, after hearing the kids' SATs, intended major, and basic "wish list," you can think off hand of 17 reaches, matches & safeties for him to investigate.</p>

<p>hmm...=) here's one..</p>

<p>You actually have CC simultaneously open in two different windows so you can read/contribute to two threads at once.</p>

<p>Ok the sad thing about that one -- that's what I'm doing right now. I'm even thinking of opening up a third...</p>

<p>When you get into your car to drive home from work and for the first time you wish you had an internet browser on your cellphone so you could check in to cc.</p>

<p>When you talk to people in person you refer to CCers
"Well according to reasonabledad..." or "Oh yea that's what carolyn said..."</p>

<p>OMG I do quote people by their screen names and then realize that the people with whom I'm conversing don't have a clue what I'm talking about.</p>

<p>=) see! It's always like in my house (both my parents either check CC or post) "Yea ____'s son hasn't gotten their SAT scores either", etc.</p>

<p>Or how about...(this applies to parents)
You have a mountain of work to do when you come home because you spent so much time checking CC at work
(I'm sure that happens alot here =))</p>

<p>you buy car window stickers at all the colleges you visit just to be ready ( I met someone actually doing that)</p>

<p>There are shades of this thread in a classic from the archives, which has been nominated for a CC Creative Writing Award on the Parent Cafe thread. Enjoy:</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Some more...</p>

<p>~you wish Northstarmom was your real mom.</p>

<p>~you excitedly tell people on CC about your acceptances before you tell your parents/best friends.</p>

<p>~you make references to people on this board in your everyday conversations, and your friends have no idea who you're talking about!</p>

<p>~you find yourself refreshing the "College Search and Selection" board every minute.</p>

<p>~you've done poorly on a test because you were too busy posting on CC the night before!</p>

<p>_You're nursing home shopping for your mother, and you start to break out into a cold sweat when the Admissions Advisor says, "Of course, we'll have to look over her application and decide whether she'd be a good candidate for our campus"......errr.....</p>

<p>You starting thinking about how good your child's newest award or activity will look on college applications and then remember that he has already been admitted and sent in his acceptance.</p>

<p>you guys seriously have no life.</p>

<p>Dear Ilovehomework--Say that with a smile now. :-)</p>

<p>dke: just been through that. My M's ECs were exellent, but I sure was thankful that she didn't have to submit an essay</p>

<p>..When strangers start calling you and asking you advice because they were referred to you by a good friend.</p>

<p>you guys seriosuly have no life :). hehe,this site has been useful tho, thank you!</p>

<p>~you are sorta sorry son went ahead and decided, cause now it just isn't as fun to check the CC college forum for all those "other" schools.
(I know no one can believe I would have even a moment of sorrow about son finally deciding.)</p>

<p>when you have a dream that you're posting on CC</p>

<p>When your teenagers tell you that you shouldn't be talking to strangers on the Internet - and you shouldn't refer to them as your college confidential friends.</p>

<p>when your teenagers ask you if you told your friends yet, and they mean cc folk ;)</p>