You may be an over achiever

<p>When you have a project that should take at most 2 hrs and spend 7 hrs trying to make it perfect (3x already or longer). </p>

<p>When you find researching fun</p>

<p>When you apply to 25+ schools.</p>

<p>When you refuse to take an extra non AP class because it’ll bring down your GPA</p>

<p>When you ask if you should retake a score of 2390 on the SAT.</p>

<p>When you compete with your Asian friends for the top grades in your classes ever since elementary school.</p>

<p>When you try and think of how to get ahead for the next school year during the middle of summer.</p>

<p>When you are expected to do a small talk in front of the class for lab results</p>



<p>When HYPSM are the only colleges you’ve known of / have even considered going to for most of your life…</p>