Young Arts 2022-2023

Exactly the same here. I also heard that Peabody called someone who was a finalist on 11/16. That means somehow Peabody knew the finalist results, although the winner knew first - as expected.


my Peabody email says they want to " congratulate you on your participation in the 2023 Young Arts National Competition. Given your artistic accomplishments, we hope you will consider the Peabody Conservatory for your future studies." So did some emails say something different? I think itā€™s weird for them to say a person has artistic accomplishments when how would they know? Just submitting anything to youngarts doesnā€™t seem like much of an artistic accomplishment.


I didnā€™t even get a Peabody email what?

What is your genre? I submitted classical music (strings). Iā€™m not a senior though so Iā€™m not applying to college yet.

someone on reddit mentioned that their friend got a call for poetry on wednesday. so i guess youngarts was actually calling finalists yesterday

also correction to this, apparently they actually know someone who works at youngartsā€¦so they r probably telling the truth. sorry, i guess im just paranoid lol, i was just surprised there were only 7. i think one of my goals for next year will b to stop jumping to conclusions so fast :,)

I am a theater applicant. I actually messed up my application. Between college application pre-screens and Youngarts i got my submissions mixed up. I am not actually expecting a callback but just jumping on to say as of yesterday I saw a post on Facebook for visual arts, theater, and music (violin). The music was on the 15th, the other 2 posts were yesterday. Best of luck arts enthusiasts! We all have good days and bad days. This isnā€™t a defining moment of your future in the arts.


Hi, what did the post say?

who was the violinist?

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same language in my Peabody email.


Guys I donā€™t mean to be a hater or anything but I donā€™t think that the college emails really matter. Colleges do this where they collect names of students who might be interested and send out mass emails. It helps to inflate how many people apply, making their acceptance rates lower. I doubt that any admissions officer is hunting down finalists emails to congratulate them.


Also Lakhira that wasnā€™t directed at you at all LOL I accidentally clicked the reply to you button instead of the normal reply

Check your spam. I also got one email from MSM but it was in spam.

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Iā€™m actually not 100% sure his name-Michael I believe. But there was a picture of him. The post appeared to be from parents except the visual arts post was from a high school. There was also a vocalist finalist I forgot to mention also posted from the winnerā€™s high school. The posts all just stated congratulations and excitement! The normal type exhilaration from such an achievement.

No problem. Garlich , who knows you might be you are correct.

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I know a dancer that was notified on Tuesday. Jazz winner.

I feel like a few of us keep asking this question with no answer lmao . . . but Iā€™ve still not heard of a single short story finalist, right? Or has someone heard of one? Iā€™ve heard of tons of poetry, one CN, one novel, maybe one script, but no short stories? Actually maybe no spoken word either? I know they say they donā€™t focus on calling one genre at a time, but itā€™s weird how itā€™s almost all poetry so far.

ahhhhh this is scary. does anyone know what phone number to look out for bc now im paranoid lol

I have been searching and searching for short story but I havenā€™t seen anything. Another writing category I havenā€™t seen is creative nonfiction. It is strange, I think they have to still be doing calls, or, at least I am hoping they are

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Yes creative nonfiction chosen. Facebook Cathedral High School (California maybe)