<p>This year, I founded a Young Republican Club at my school. I know that most college students, professors, and admissions counselors are liberals. I'm not a staunch conservative, but I thought my school's political atmosphere was completely one sided. Should I put this on my application or leave it out? I am in plenty of extracurriculars, so it's not like I "need" this on my application.</p>
<p>I’d advise against it. It doesn’t sound like it would help too much because you’ve been doing it so briefly that it would just look like padding. And you’re right, most Midd readers, though I’m sure they try to be objective, are liberals, and like it or not, it all comes down to the readers.
But seriously, are you sure you want to go to Midd? I’m a moderate, and even I think Midd might be too liberal for me…</p>
<p>Actually, I’m gonna go ahead and give you the exact opposite advice. They want the most balanced, diverse class possible. They want to foster debate and expose people to new ideas. Plus, you founded the club which shows initiative and willingness to put time into projects/put forward your views. They’ll view it positively, regardless of their own political leanings.</p>
<p>The current Republican governor of Vermont is a Midd graduate and he belonged to Young Republicans on campus, if no the founder at the time. I’d mention it.</p>
<p>I have to strongly disagree with colonization. I’m fairly left leaning, but one of my good friends while at midd was fairly right leaning. He was a big college republican and one of the things I valued most about my education at Midd was the fact that I had others challenging my views. I went to a big Ivy League University for grad school and the program was so liberal it prevented us from doing anything substantive. </p>
<p>I agree with Klink. It shows initiative and a willingness to follow through with something. I would definitely include it.</p>
<p>Yes, do it. I’m more left than right, but I would definitely appreciate some republicans wherever I end up (which could potentially be Midd)…because i don’t think a college campus should be a political monolith. I am pretty positive the admissions people would agree.</p>