<p>My d. is a going into sr. yr of HS. She wants to be a pediatric nurse, or possibly an MD. However, she also has many other interests in the helping professions and I think it is possible she will end up pursuing a different major. She has done well in school but hit a bump this year (personal issues) bringing her GPA from 91 to 87. She is not a minority, but does have a 504 plan because of low vision. Her SAT scores are 550 math, 520 verbal, 680 writing. She will take the ACT this Oct. She has taken AP and honors classes, done community service, participated in school clubs, held a job and is a candidate for National Honor Society.</p>
<p>So my question is, what are her chances at
Elmira College, Elmira, NY
Ramapo College, Ramapo, NY
Stony Brook
New Paltz
<p>Any reccomendations of schools to consider, not listed here, (for NY state resident) would be very much appreciated.</p>
<p>daisy1, we just can't tell what your daughter's chances at the school will be. You can try going to <a href="http://www.collegeboard.com%5B/url%5D">www.collegeboard.com</a> and researching what the median SAT scores for the schools are. My best advice is: if those are the schools that she really, truly wants to go to, she should apply to them, no matter what her chances are.</p>
<p>Her chances look good for all but Binghamton...and MAYBE Stony Brook...Stony Brook doesn't take writing so her 550 is on the low(er) end. I would say she's into all of them, except for Bing and Stony. Binghamton is a very likely reject, and Stony Brook is going to be a very hard reach with a 1070 - SBU's avg SAT is something like 1200, and Bing's is like 1280ish</p>
<p>Thanks for the answers. By the way, do you think the only stumbling block to SUNY Bing and Stony Brook is the SAT? If she retakes the SAT or takes the ACT and does well, is she likely to get in? How do these school look at students with "disabling" conditions? Does it help or hurt? Thanks for your help.</p>