Your Chance to Shamelessly Judge Me

<p>Hello, I am a very nervous college applicant.</p>

<p>Ethnicity: First Generation Chinese, born in Tianjin, China
Gender: Male from San Diego
Only legacy is father from USC</p>

<p>GPA: 4.00/4.00 GPA unweighted
4.75/5.00 weighted
Class rank: 5 out of 700
Lots and lots of honors classes including 5.00 junior year
AP's: 5's on bio, euro history, us history, and calc bc, 4 on english lang, 3 on music theory
SAT ! (best scores):730 CR, 780 math, 790 writing with 12 essay
SAT ! (best sitting): 730 CR, 720 math, 790 writing with 12 essay
no ACT
SAT II: math !!: 800 biology-M: 790 US History: 800
PSAT: 226</p>

<p>extra-cirriculars (grrrr, wish i had know about their importance)
Speech and Debate 9th-12th grade, varsity letter 11th grade, state championship qualifier 10th grade, National Forensics League Distinction
Quizbowl 10th-12th grade, Coaches' Award 10th and 11th grade
Karate: 9th -11th grade, junior black belt
150 hours community service at Sunrise Assisted Living.
Tutor at the Tutoring Center 10-12th grade</p>

<p>My teachers and counselors have all liked my essays, and can't find much to improve, plus I've already submitted the UC's and USC. I'm planning on doing some sort of accounting/business depending on where I go. Teacher recs are my economics teacher and my english teacher. They're okay, not great.</p>

<p>Applied to:
UC Berkeley
UCSB (ELC got me guaranteed admissions)
possibly UPenn Wharton School RD?
and considering on Chicago.</p>

<p>your gpa and your sat scores are great! however, your ECs are not so good, but there enough to show that you didn’t just sit around doing homework all the time. i would say apply to all of those schools, you definately have a chance. and I think you’d get into Chicago and maybe UPenn, i don’t know about Wharton.
chance me back</p>