<p>I've noticed about... 3 million threads posted by prospective students about their chances to get into NYU (specifically Stern, for some reason).</p>
<p>As an NYU Stern student, speaking to other students, faculty, and administration, let me just give you my side of the story:</p>
<p>Stern is, academically, the hardest school at NYU to get into. They like big numbers, they like long resumes, and they like to see at least some interest in business things (i.e. math, business work, administrative positions).</p>
<p>However, Stern does not want you if you're boring. Stern does not want you if you stay huddled in your room and the only light you receive is artificial and from your computer screen. If your numbers are exceptionally high, they may invite you in to be an IS major or maybe a finance major, because they don't really have to deal with people or be nice to them too often.</p>
<p>What will get you in more than your grades, more than your scores, more than your worth on paper, is your worth as an interesting person. What NYU loves above all is creativity. They love individuality. They love to know that they're not pumping out carbon-copy I-bankers, but actual people who will lead good, full, interesting lives.</p>
<p>I worked hard in high school, yes, and I got some good grades. But what got me in wasn't my grades, it wasn't my resume; what got me into NYU was my essay because that is where I showed who I was, and how much NYU would be lacking if they did not accept me for admission.</p>
<p>So stop worrying, stop stressing over your value as a number and start living life and growing as a person--that will help get you into NYU more than anything.</p>
<p>-=-David Julian-=-</p>
<p>P.S. That said, an SAT score of 1300 (and below, on the old SAT) is far from bad. Stop whining about it.</p>