Your Daily Food Ingestion-Digestion System Cycle Schedule.

<p>Basically, how many meals do you eat, what you eat, when, etc.</p>


<p>Breakfast at 7:30, bagel, cereal, juice, misc.
Lunch 12:00 - School lunch isn't enough, so I steal food from my friends and occasionally random people. It depends, pizza, burgers, sandwiches, pasta, and the like. It isn't that great but meh.
Snack 3:30 - this also depends, but like at least 2 whole pizzas worth of food in terms of calories and amount.
Dinner 7:30 - I'll go with 2 whole large pizzas-ish as well. </p>

<p>That's like 4 meals, and for the last two since it differs I only can try to sort out the amount.</p>

<p>Oh and between all those, is a crapload of junk food.</p>

I skipped the weekend, but it's basically eating a crapload. Probably about 1/2 of what Michael Phelps eats.</p>


<p>11:05 Lunch (On a good day)</p>

<p>4:00-5:00 Snack/late lunch early dinner</p>

<p>7:00-9:00 Dinner (not always)</p>

<p>Wow, I must seem anorexic</p>

<p>Weekends I gorge or hardly eat. It depends.</p>

<p>My specifics vary, so I’ll post what I ate today:</p>

<p>Breakfast at ~6, 2 pieces of toast with caviar, tea, water, juice
Lunch at 10 and 12 (break and lunch, respectively, I split the meal up), 2 tomatoes, a liter of carrot juice, a turkey wrap
After School Supper at ~4:30, Bowl of Chicken and Rice, Iced Tea</p>

<p>I eat fruit snacks throughout the day, a banana here, an orange there, a few pounds of mangoes on the side ;]</p>

<p>^ Kidding? </p>

<p>I now know I probably should get off this site if someone seriously mentions caviar.</p>

<p>Lol, nope, though I’m Russian, so can it be allowed for me?</p>

<p>Grandpa just flew in from Moscow the other night and smuggled a bunch of it across the border ;]</p>

<p>Oh. Ok…</p>

<p>Gotcha. That makes me feel so much better, since the closest thing I’ve had to something even remotely close I’ve had to that is sushi that the Japanese teacher brought to the Latin room. :)</p>

<p>haha, both you are anorexic.</p>

<p>Esp. Moodrets, eat more.</p>

<p>Lunch maybe 2 days a week. Yogurt, almonds, and a fruit, usually an apple. But I eat it in 4th and 7th bell usually, because I’m working or amusing myself with my non-eating friends during lunch. So 10:30 and 2:00.
Snack 3-4 days a week. Whatever I can find. Sometimes leftovers but it has to be very light since a lot of days I’m going to dance after I get home and I can’t be all bloated. At 3:15
Dinner maybe 6 days a week. Whatever my mother cooks pretty much. Time varies hugely.</p>

<p>Right now Thursdays are very different because I’m out of the house from about 8:00 to 9:00 (School + Ski Club). So I eat the ski club food. We eat when the group decides it’s hungry. Usually around 6-6:30. Some of us also have a snack when we get to ski club around 4-4:30. I usually have the snack because I haven’t had anything to eat yet.</p>

<p>On weekends I normally have breakfast whenever I wake up, if I’m at ballet a snack (a fruit usually) between class and rehearsal so 2:30, and then dinner whenever. </p>

<p>As for possible anorexic replies, I did sometimes starve myself in the past. Even now before an important day I don’t eat. I lose 2lbs a day.</p>

<p>Is it so strange to eat caviar? I had it for lunch all the time when I was little. My (great) grandmother would give me caviar dishes for holidays and my parents bought me caviar to eat. I was totally obsessed with Russia when I was a kid.</p>

<p>I use to eat way better but it has seemed to deteriorate within the last 6 monthes. </p>

<p>My Latin teacher gets mad at me. I have Latin before lunch so I hang out in there during lunch and work on things. He keeps telling me to get food, but I hate the timing of lunch. I don’t get hungry for about another hour. That, or he’s trying to get me to eat breakfast but I wake up too late.</p>

<p>Lolol, what I described is at least 3,000 calories, 2500 from the solid meals alone! On the days when I do outdoorsy stuff I can eat up to 5k without feeling particularly stuffed. ;]</p>

<p>Lol, though a typical pizza contains ~2,000 calories, so your afternoon food items are already nearing 5 figures where calories are concerned. Hell, depending upon what you eat for lunch (and if it’s comparable to your snack/dinner) then you’re easily beating Phelps in the that department…</p>

<p>My calorie intake varies widely on the day.</p>

<p>4pm - half a bagel
9:30pm - supper
10:30 pm - dessert</p>

<p>Well haha, it’s not like I literally can eat 4+ whole pizzas a day, not that rich in the first place.</p>

<p>I’d say at least 2 though (medium-large), I don’t think a pan of med-large pizza is 2k, feels more like 1k~1.5k. Depends though.</p>

<p>I’d cap myself around 4k~5k daily? Depends, but it’s at least 3k.</p>

<p>And not surprisingly, most of you eat like anorexics.</p>

<p>^ For me it’s just because I hate school food and I hate packing a lunch/cooking dinner/breakfast.</p>

<p>If I was anorexic, would I weigh 130 pounds? I’ve actually gained 35 pounds since the start of High School with that 1 meal diet.</p>


Depends on your height, but I can’t believe you’re saying “130” as if it wasn’t ultra-skinny.</p>



<p>And perhaps I do use the word “anorexic” differently from most people, no offense intended.</p>

<p>Ha. I’m 125. I haven’t lost or gained a pound since I was in probably sixth (maybe fifth) grade. I can’t decide if I do or don’t like that.</p>

<p>I was kidding, though I did gain 25 pounds in 9th grade while barely eating anything.</p>

<p>Anyway, I’m 5’8 (5’3 in 9th grade).</p>

<p>Apparently, no matter how much I eat, I don’t gain weight, but I do lose weight when I’m ill. Maybe my metabolism works fast…? ^ I’m 115 lbs and 5’8’ and I don’t consider that to be anorexic at all.</p>

<p>I’m 125 5’3". It I did sports I’d probably be in the 110 range.</p>