Your favorite: another chance thread <3.

<p>So. Here we go. (I'll try to make this easy on the eyes.)</p>

Asian Female from central NY (sob.)
High income
Came to US when I was five, yay... I speak Chinese but never took the SAT II's (this, I regret quite a bit.)</p>

<p>GPA: 3.86 unweighted</p>

<p>Classes (including senior year):
Hnrs Earth Science, AP Chemistry, AP Biology, AP Physics
Hnrs Algebra, Hnrs Geometry, Hnrs Algebra II, Hnrs PreCalc, AP Calc
Hnrs English 10, Hnrs English 11, AP Lit, AP Language (took the test, we don't offer a class on it)
Global 9, AP World, AP U.S. History, Economics, Participation in Gov't
Hnrs French III and IV, Hnrs Spanish II, III, and IV, AP French, AP Spanish,
Materials Chemistry, Electronics, Concert Choir, Select Choir</p>

<p>*Generally with my classes, I average mid-high 80's (Science/Math) to mid-high90's (English, Foreign Language, History)</p>

<p>SAT: Math 720, CR 680, Writing 710 - (Taken once---retaken in December.)
Chem: 640 (Ow.)
Math I: 700
French: 700
Spanish: 700</p>

<p>AP scores:
Chem - 4
World - 3
English Language - 5
Biology - 5
US History - 4</p>

<p>Extra Curriculars: Ballroom dance (Formation Team Dancer)
Karate (Brown/Red-belt, won 1st and 2nd on a DARE competition 2006 as a blue belt against black/brown belts ahaha burrrnnnn.)
NHS (Vice-pres)
Spanish NHS (Vice-pres)
French NHS (mere minion)
Student Senate
Math Team (I'm Asian. It's a given.)
TATF - Teen AIDS Task Force (President)---we work in conjunction with AIDS Community Resources
Piano (Various awards, recognition whatnots---surprise! Another Asian prerequisite.)
Tai Chi Quan
Volunteering at Loretto Rehab
Yay, I'm your smiling Starbucks barista
Studied Spanish language and culture in Spain for a month in 2006</p>

<p>Awards & Misc:
High honor roll each marking period
AP Scholar w. Distinction
17th in NYS for National Spanish Contest Level 2
85th percentile nationally for Nation Spanish Contest Level 3 - Silver Award
Dual Language Award (School)
Faculty Staff Award (School)</p>

<p>I miss class. A lot. Yes, I realize that reflects badly on me. (Insane family member issues, namely my lovely violent anti-medicine bipolar father. And my mother, who loves him and won't leave. And me. Her shield when he starts getting abusive.)</p>

<p>I did mention above issues in one of my essays--well, touched on it, really. I don't really want people treating me like a kicked puppy. My essay in a nutshell is... (copy+pasted from previous post):</p>

<p>I wrote about the concept of being alone through this things my boyfriend and I do---we call each other before we go to bed and leave the phone. I know. We're dorks. (Still, it's nice when you wake up and you look over to your pillow and the call is still there. Comforting, in a strange way. But I digress.)</p>

<p>However, I'm not sure if I'm going to use that essay... I have a few (I write. A lot. It's therapeutic for me, haha.)</p>

<p>Teacher Recs: 2---1, amazing from my Spanish/French prof. 2, very good from my English teacher.
Counselor Rec: She loves me and said she was "excited to write my rec" sooo... I assume really good.</p>

<p>And I forget if I need to include anything else.</p>

<p>Kid, chillax.</p>

<p>Send them your app and GL. Better to know than not apply and wonder later on… You’re numerically competitive for sure.</p>

<p>I can’t help it—all the smartest kids in my school (like smart, driven, personable… total package) are getting rejected/deferred… I’ve only heard of one acceptance to Barnard… it’s kind of worrying me.</p>

<p>really? my school’s had like 20 acceptances to UMich and like ~10 to cornell</p>

<p>We’ve had 1 acceptance to Yale… other than that… 1 defer from Cornell, 2 defers from Gtown, 1 rejection from Colgate, 1 rejection from Columbia, 1 defer from Duke… list goes on… and I don’t go around asking people, so I’m guessing more people have been on this line because everyone looks depressed lately. That could just be the -2890147293 degree Syracuse weather… but hey.</p>

<p>Thanks for chancing me earlier.</p>

<p>So I think JHU is like a high match for you and here is why. Your scores are a little above avg. but not by much. Same with your GPA. You do quite a bit of EC but I’m not sure how the admission officers will think of it. I mean some of them, like some of your clubs, aren’t that impressive, while you do have strong focus in other areas like karate, so i guess its for the admission officers to decide whether they like it or not.</p>