Chances me if you're bored?

<p>So. Here we go. (I'll try to make this easy on the eyes.)</p>

Asian Female from central NY (sob.)
High income
Came to US when I was five, yay... I speak Chinese but never took the SAT II's (this, I regret quite a bit.)</p>

<p>GPA: 3.86 unweighted</p>

<p>Classes (including senior year):
Hnrs Earth Science, AP Chemistry, AP Biology, AP Physics
Hnrs Algebra, Hnrs Geometry, Hnrs Algebra II, Hnrs PreCalc, AP Calc
Hnrs English 10, Hnrs English 11, AP Lit
Global 9, AP World, AP U.S. History, Economics, Participation in Gov't
Hnrs French III and IV, Hnrs Spanish II, III, and IV, AP French, AP Spanish,
Materials Chemistry, Electronics, Concert Choir, Select Choir</p>

<p>*Generally with my classes, I average mid-high 80's (Science/Math) to mid-high90's (English, Foreign Languge, History)</p>

<p>Testing :(
SAT: Math 720, CR 680, Writing 730 - Superscore, 2 tests.
Chem: 640 (Ow.)
Math I: 700
French: 700
Spanish: 700</p>

<p>AP scores:
Chem - 4 (10th)
World - 3 (10th)
US History - 4 (11th)
English Language - 5 (11th)
Biology - 5 (11th)</p>

<p>*EC's: *
Ballroom dance (Formation Team Dancer)
Karate (Brown/Red-belt, won 1st and 2nd on a DARE competition 2006 as a blue belt against black/brown belts ahaha burrrnnnn.)
NHS (Vice-pres)
Spanish NHS (Vice-pres)
French NHS (mere minion)
Student Senate
Math Team (I'm Asian. It's a given.)
TATF - Teen AIDS Task Force (President)---we work in conjunction with AIDS Community Resources
Piano (Various awards, recognition whatnots---surprise! Another Asian prerequisite.)
Tai Chi Quan
Volunteering at Loretto Rehab
Yay, I'm your smiling Starbucks barista
Studied Spanish language and culture in Spain for a month in 2006</p>

<p>Awards & Misc:
High honor roll each marking period
AP Scholar w. Distinction
17th in NYS for National Spanish Contest Level 2
85th percentile nationally for Nation Spanish Contest Level 3 - Silver Award
Dual Language Award (School)
Faculty Staff Award (School)</p>

<p>Essay: I'm told it's "brilliantly written" but perhaps not "college material"... whatever that means.</p>

<p>Teacher Recs: 1st, amazing from my Spanish/French prof. 2nd, very good from my English teacher.
Counselor Rec: She loves me and said she was "excited to write my rec" sooo... I assume really good.</p>

<p>And I forget if I need to include anything else.</p>

<p>in state with good stats…i can’t see you not getting in.</p>

10 char</p>

<p>no problem at all</p>

<p>Frown? Do you have any idea what is good or bad? lolol . . . in</p>

<p>you make me angry. very angry.</p>

<p>you make me angry. very angry.</p>

<p>Well… aren’t there like 918072304192835923 people applying this year? I mean, given the economy and all. It makes SUNY a bit more nerve wracking for me.</p>

<p>not to be racist, but it seems like every chance post i read is from an Asian lol</p>

<p>There are people applying sure, but a freaking 1400+ is phenomenal. If next years Binghamtom pool was 1400 + only, that’d be a little high and a little strange. I don’t think a schools minimum SAT score will jump 200 points in one year lol.</p>

<p>uguys know shes just chancin her self just to flaunt her scores at us…she knows that shes got a solid if not above avg shot in getting in. seriously i hate when ppl do that.</p>

<p>very good point quack</p>

<p>It is kind of annoying. I know people (not athletes, eop, etc.) that got into Binghamton with a 92 avg. and 1230+ on their SATS last year. Granted, this year will be more difficult but to Rbasu91’s point it won’t jump 200 pts. I’m throwing this off the top of my head but last year I think Bing’s avg. SAT was 1280. I predict that it will be a 1300 for the 2009 upcoming fall semester.</p>

<p>those are just averages too, if you say 1300 is average(hypothetically), for every 1400 accepted a 1200 is accepted</p>

<p>Ahaha actually I know very little about Geneseo and I’m lazy, but suppose I’ll save you guys the headache next time and just google random stats, given your very patient tones. (Seriously, even the Ivy forums are more supportive. Why so irritable? Sigh.)</p>

<p>And to quack: Yes. I’m flaunting my scores because I have absolutely nothing else I should be doing during the most critical times of college app-ing and the most rigorous academic schedule I’ve chosen to take in my high school career. Good inference.</p>

<p>And as for the score comments–thanks. It’s strange though, we’ve had cases where people are accepted at Harvard and then rejected from Villanova. It’s obviously not just test scores but I feel as if each institution has their own preferences, e.g. JHU doesn’t stress scores as much, Gtown likes study abroad experience, or whatever—as for Binghamton… well I was hoping you guys would be more knowledgeable in that area… so far everyone seems to be stressing test scores so I suppose that works out in my favor, given the averages you’ve listed. Thanks guys :)</p>

<p>Oops–I meant Bing, not Geneseo (although I don’t know much about the SUNYs in general–pretty evidently hahaha.) All I know is that they’re “good schools” but my parents won’t let me visit and perusing the colleges’ own websites bores me (attention span issues.)</p>

<p>Well, whatever. I’ve applied. The end. I should block this website before I have an anxiety attack.</p>

<p>I apologize for irking you all so. I was just curious.</p>

<p>at corretto joe: maybe ur not flaunting ur scores but u def know u have a good chance. After reading ur posts on this thread, ur tone totally stands out, which kinda tells me wut kind of person u r. You need to relax and chill.</p>

<p>people are stressing SAT scores because binghamton is a STATE UNIVERSITY. most state uni’s are numbers based, binghamton included. of course other things matter, but with SAT scores above the 75th percentile (@ a state school) you don’t have much to worry about.</p>

<p>you can’t possibly compare JHU to SUNY Bing. JHU doesn’t have to focus on scores as much because most of their applicants HAVE the scores. so it comes down to ECs, personality, etc. </p>

<p>essentially you can’t compare villanova, harvard, and JHU to suny binghamton… it’s completely different.</p>

<p>I know. I don’t think I’ve been this stressed in my life… my family life is on the fritz right now, school sucks, college, blah. I just need time to stop so I can nap.</p>

<p>Haha, sorry again—like I said, I’m somewhat clueless. All my friends applying to Binghamton have similar-ish if not higher stats than me, so I kind of went by assumption.</p>