<p>I did a reseach paper on obesity, so people who let themselves get to that point, and then whine about how life is so hard for them make me angry. But what really makes me angry is parents of obese children. They just makes my blood boil, but mostly obese people make me sad because they are cutting their life short. I don’t view them as second class citizens, because I know some live a healthy lifestyle and its not entirely their fault, like my friend who runs for an hour every morning and hardly eats, but is still considered “fat.” While I stuff my self and only exercise during track and xc and am considered “skinny.” They shouldn’t be treated as 2nd rate citizens, because they are still people, but they should have to pay for extra seats and higher health care and such.</p>
<p>@puggly Oh I am sorry! I did not mean to sound like I was belittling your opinion, it is how you feel and you have every right to feel that way!</p>
<p>^^ I think it would be terrible to have an overweight child. I would feel terrible over my parenting skills. Yes, there are skinny kids that eat as much as the fat kids, but I think I would just feel like an awful parent.</p>
<p>ugh people here are getting confused by the subjectivity of ‘treat’. No, obese people should not be bullied/picked on/laughed at…Bullying is wrong. Doesn’t matter if there is a 12 yr old kid weighing 300 pounds; he/she should NOT be picked on.</p>
<p>Though, both legally and socially obese people are and should be seen as an aberration. Humans do not understand what is not part of their ‘normal’, and this causes the occasional stare and sometimes people even ridicule what they do not understand–The bullying. The stare is understandable, but I disagree with the ridicule.</p>
<p>They need to get off their butt and go to a gym.</p>
<p>^^ Not everyone can afford a gym.</p>
<p>Fat chicks need love too… but they gotta pay.</p>
<p>^^you dont need a gym to lose wieght lol
^thats terrible lol</p>
<p>They can just go for a walk around the neighbourhood then.</p>
<p>My parents worry that I’ll get fat, I think.</p>
<p>^exactly, and haha mine are the same way. But i could nvr let myself.</p>
<p>Fat people are immoral.</p>
<p>Haha some fat people are cool. some are losers depends on the personl.</p>
<p>^ Well, they are PEOPLE.</p>
<p>^i know, i wasnt like making fun of anyone, i have heavier friends. I just meant ones that act like idiots i dont like. Or my uncle, he isnt doing anything w/ his life because he is too lazy.</p>
<p>^ I wasn’t trying to criticise you I was just saying that what you said about fat people sounded just like what I’d say in general about people in the world.</p>
<p>^oh ok, just wasnt sure and didnt wanna create controversy:)</p>
<p>I don’t understand the mentality that fat people demand extra benefits… unless you’re talking about the mobile carts in Walmart or whatever </p>
<p>This thread makes me want to take a walk, but it’s 11 PM so maybe tomorrow!</p>
<p>^ LOL it makes me crave french fries…</p>
<p>Hey, I’m a fat person and not a *****! Too bad you guys are neither!</p>