<p>^Huh? Neither what? And what was censored?</p>
<p>^ I think Merples said the b word, ya know, B to the I to the T-C-H?</p>
<p>I like looking thin next to fat people.</p>
<p>I like looking thin next to thin people</p>
<p>a gym isn’t necessary to lose weight</p>
<p>I don’t have a problem with fat people other than the fact that most fat people (in my experiences) seem to smell bad. I would like them fine of they didn’t smell so bad.</p>
<p>Fat/overweight people are like, normal people. I don’t have a problem with them.</p>
<p>I can’t avoid having something against obese people though. It’s like a natural prejudice I can’t avoid, I find it hard to respect completely someone that couldn’t control its own health and well being to the point of getting obese.</p>
<p>And it really annoys me when I see obese people eating McDonalds or other unhealthy and fattening things.</p>
<p>Overweight isn’t a big deal. Obese is though.</p>
<p>^^^ What? Like of fast food chains?
Dorky teenage boys generally smell too.</p>
<p>^ Yeah, but once you’re overweight, you should be careful not to become obese, which would be harmful to your health and lifestyle.</p>
<p>Wait, this thread is serious?</p>
<p>^^Yeah, what I meant was, having a BMI of 25.1-27.5(like “Low Overweight”) is OK but 27.6-29.9 is harmful.</p>
<p>All I can say is I’m happy I’m on the other side of the spectrum (a.k.a. one of those girls who people always think is anorexic, but my metabolism is so fast that I ate like 3 slices of pie today and won’t gain an ounce.)</p>
<p>Man i hate fat people so much. It’s a pet peeve of mine because…</p>
<p>A) It’s preventably therefore they could have prevented it. Hell, i do exercise every day (play soccer, do 50 push ups, hit the gym) so, i don’t get fat. Heck, i feel bad when i don’t exercise and i feel really bad when i eat junk food but i can control myself. It’s all will power you know. I see fat people as people will no self-control/will-power.</p>
<p>B) It’s become like a taboo to take about it. We advise smokers not to smoke and tell them about the cons of smoking but, it’s not acceptable to tell that enormous and quite sweaty lump of lard sitting across from you that brownies aren’t good for you and that 30 minutes of exercise a day is essential to being healthy. I want society to progress to the point where this is socially acceptable and this may serve as a deter-ant to gaining a ridiculous amount of weight. </p>
<p>I value the disabled and the mentally ■■■■■■■■ above obese people because the disabled and ■■■■■■■■ couldn’t control they way they were born but the fat could control what they could eat but they lacked the will power to do so and instead resorted a shady life of burgers, ice cream, and XXXL shirts. </p>
<p>Anyone want to refute these points?</p>
<p>Again I say, they need to hit a gym. Not that hard.</p>
<p>^^ I love you.</p>
<p>There’s a clear difference between weight and fat. I do not have a problem with “overweight” people since anyone who works out regularly will be told that they are “overweight,” simply due to the fact that muscle weighs more than fat. Right now I’m 5’11, 170, and according to my BMI, I’m very close to being overweight. On the other hand, I’m nearly 10% bodyfat, and I’m working on cutting it, while putting on more muscle. So In a few months when I hit 180 or so, I will be considered overweight even though I’ll be in every respect healthier and leaner than right now.</p>
<p>Bodyfat percentage on the other hand should be monitored far more closely. For men, if you’re over 15% bodyfat, then you have some “flab” and a trip to the gym wouldn’t kill you. We live in a day and age where you can find a gym on every street corner, and yet the fact that some people refuse to exercise repulses me. Especially for those under 30, your metabolism is fast enough to the point where if you don’t have abs that show through, you should be ashamed. I would hate to see where those people would be at age 40-50, when their metabolism slows down to a snails pace.</p>
<p>Remember, Brock Lesnar and that fat sack at Mickey D’s both weigh the same, but there’s a clear difference between the two. Understand the distinction.</p>
<p>Daxlo5: Comparing being fat with smoking? Wow.</p>
<p>People in this thread are annoying the **** out of me.</p>
<p>fat people need to stop being fat</p>
<p>^^^I <3 brock lesnar!!! Probs one of the few chicks to watch UFC lol
^And the only fat ppl that bother me are the ones that complaining about being fat. It’s their fault they are fat. They can change their weight if they want to.</p>
<p>^^^ I feel that being fat has just as much health risks, if not more, than smoking. Obesity is almost always linked to some form of cardiovascular problems, as well as other major diseases such as diabetes. Most obese people, if they do not do anything about it, will eventually fall victim to complications from being fat.</p>