<p>Be careful.</p>
<p>Some of very posters who have been talking mortifying s___ might become overweight or obese themselves.</p>
<p>There is a thing such as The Freshmen Fifteen, you know.</p>
<p>Be careful.</p>
<p>Some of very posters who have been talking mortifying s___ might become overweight or obese themselves.</p>
<p>There is a thing such as The Freshmen Fifteen, you know.</p>
<p>Some of these posts are absolutely mortifying. Who cares how large a person, the question is, who are they? I don’t care how big ro small you are, if you’re capable and competent, then you’re okay in my book. I think some people need to stop stereotyping and stop writing mean things.</p>
<p>Psshh, my second passion after CC is working out. I don’t think I would ever allow myself to get fat. Besides, all of y’all over overreacting. Everyone knows that fat people are just happy the way they are. Everything they do caries more weight.</p>
<p>First month of college (back in july): I initially lost 5 lbs. Nearly got some after. (We got interrupted. -___-)</p>
<p>I came home yesterday, stepped on the scale for the first time in three months.</p>
<p>I gained back 12 lbs. D:</p>
I’d love to combat your points.</p>
<li><p>It’s not always preventable. Sure, most people aren’t fat just because of their genes (though I’m sure some are), but not everyone has the opportunity to exercise and eat right. Healthy food costs much more than fast food or other unhealthy foods, so you can’t really blame someone for being obese if they’re just buying what they can. Same thing for exercising: If you’re working all day and then caring for your family, extra time you could spend exercising is quite the luxury, and surely it makes sense that you’d spend your extra time doing something more relaxing. Basically, you don’t know everyone’s stories and reasons for being fat, so don’t judge.</p></li>
<li><p>Okay, well, you really shouldn’t be going up to a smoking people and telling them what they should and should not be doing with their lives. Same thing for fat people. That’s always taboo…because it’s rude. However, there are many anti-obesity campaigns, just as there are anti-smoking campaigns. Sure, there are more anti-smoking campaigns, but only because that’s been a problem for longer. They’re both recognized as things to overcome, and provided that you’re being sensitive, you can discuss the dangers behind either without hitting taboos.</p></li>
<p>I think there’s a double standard that really needs to be addressed.</p>
<p>Binge eating disorder is a recognized eating disorder which basically consists of people being unable to control or stop their eating, and eating past the point where they are uncomfortably full–that is, binging. Not all obese or overweight people suffer from binge eating disorder, although a fair proportion do.</p>
<p>Bulimics are basically binge eaters who then purge their food, by throwing up or over-exercising or fasting, etc.</p>
<p>Anorexia is also an eating disorder, and in advanced stages could be classified as a person’s inability to eat–that is, a lack of control related to eating in which the person is unable to force him/herself to eat.</p>
<p>Yet in our society anorexics are somewhat glorified. Yes, people realize it’s awful what they’re doing–but at least they’re skinny, right?</p>
<p>And I also think bulimics are a lot more “accepted” than binge eaters. I’m sure many people would disregard a diagnosis of binge eating disorder as essentially bulls***, but no one’s gonna tell a bulimic s/he doesn’t have a serious mental illness. What? So you eat a ton and then throw it up and maintain a normal body weight and you’ve got a disease, but you eat a ton and don’t throw it up and you have no control and are a fat tub of lard who just needs to exercise?</p>
<p>I feel bad for overweight people. I mean, after all this campaigning hullaballoo and these TV shows, advocacy, I’d think these people would try hard and reverse their lifestyle. Most overweight people I meet are really nice people…
Am I the only one who thinks that way? o.O</p>
<p>Wow. There is a lot of hateful and ignorant stuff being said on here guys…</p>
<p>I sympathize with the overweight, because they are constantly bullied and must feel self conscious. And I am sure that they are trying. maybe failing. But its not easy. In addition to this they develop a self-hatred because people tell them that they just need to “go to a gym fatty” so they think its their fault for just not trying hard enough </p>
<p>If its a problem that is affecting one in three Americans it is obviously a much more complicated problem than just people are eating too much and not exercising. Think about people’s relationship with food and poverty’s affect on it…</p>
<p>Jeez. My body fat is 12 % now. Man, It was 11% before thanksgiving. Man i need to run some more.</p>
<p>If only the obese had my mentality.</p>