<p>So like I foreshadowed on the previous page, I went on a school field trip to the Salt Marsh WILDLIFE PRESERVE!</p>
<p>Once there the bio teacher pointed at the mud and said, "Red mud's covered with Archaebacteria. Green mud's algae. Now to abuse my power as an instructor drill into your ears about global warming...." (He stopped having been interrupted in mid sentence by a bird flying overhead. He stares at it in wonderment for about 10 seconds and then continues talking without any explanation for his pause.) "...in a few weeks you'll see the film "An Inconveient Truth" while I grade papers outside. After an hour and a half you'll receive 5 points for watching the video just like in HS. Well, since I've identified the Seagulls, Pigeons, and Ducks, you've seen all the birds at the preserve and you can go. Drive safely on your 20 minute trip back to school." And with that we were dismissed.</p>
<p>My Bio teacher is funny. As we left I saw his car ahead of us on the road. I thought about following him back to his house but decided against it. I really should have...</p>
<p>Well, I haven't heard from Yale, but I did just get in to Columbia, as well as Berkeley, so I think that counts. Even though I found out at two in the morning I ran upstairs and told my parents and my brother. Then I called my closest friends and told them. I haven't done anything to crazy yet, though, heh.</p>
<p>I read it, re-read it, then started yelling "CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS SHT" to my roommate (which didn't look up from the computer he's gotten surgically incorporated with his behind). I called my mom (not from the U.S., doesn't even speak english) and had her ask me if "Yale is a good school? No? Can you fix our internet when you home come, yes?"</p>
<p>Then i chinned up, bought flowers for all of the amazing professors who've helped me get into Yale, - I wouldn't even have applied to college without their believing in me! - and told my closest friends. Now they're taking me out to this celebration thing and I'm still all dizzy in the head!</p>
<p>I got my letter after an all-nighter. I had been up for ~33 hours straight when I opened my mailbox. I had pretty much no reaction; I just smiled, read the letter and went to sleep. Very underwhelming after having worried about it for 2 months straight.</p>