Your thoughts on affirmative action?

<p>so about those flame wars.</p>

<p>men. women.</p>


<p>The OP did not get into Yale with a 1650. He is deliberately attempting to start a fight. I would advise that we all either argue sensibly or don't argue--one or the other will change the thread to something other than the OP's original intent.</p>

Personally, I think it's a policy hand-written and instituted by the hand of God himself, but realistically, it's obviously unfair.</p>

<p>In my case, I think it's fair. I'm an "opressed" first-generation Mexican immigrant longing for a better life in Amerikka. I emphasized that tremendously in my college essays. Indeed, I got in everywhere, including 1 Ivy (Yale! Class of 2012!!!)


<p>Wow. Words fail me as to how ungreatful comments like those are. How dare you call the United States of America, the nation that saved the world from the duel scourges of Nazism and Communism and liberated over 100 million people, Amerikka, when you've been accepted into one of the most prestigious universities in the world with a*1650 SAT*. </p>

<p>You have no idea how angry that makes me, so, with discretion being the better part of valor, I will leave it at this; please stop.
Please stop posting about this issue and reminding everyone how disturbingly unfair the system is. It can only bring up ugly emotions and a bitter flame war. It's not worth it. Be happy with what's been bestowed upon you but don't smack such open and pained wounds yet. </p>

<p>The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race.</p>

<p>i am asian, but i am quite neutral. face it- asians tend to be stereotyped into a group- plays instruments, good grades/sat scores, one/no sports, bilingual. i see how universities want diversity, but at the same time, WE WORK OUR BUTTS OFF. i don't think that hispanics and african americans should just sit back, relax, and just depend on affirmative action.</p>

<p>i hate how race is encorporated into everything.</p>


Wow. Words fail me as to how ungreatful comments like those are. How dare you call the United States of America,


Ungrateful? Ungrateful because I decide to spell America with a K? :rolleyes:


the nation that saved the world from the duel scourges of Nazism and Communism and liberated over 100 million people, Amerikka,


That's quite the tangent there, I can play that game too. The same nation that enslaved Blacks for centuries, the same nation that is responsible for foreign imperialist aggression, the same nation that is hated by the world. The same corrupt nation that has deliberately invaded and killed innocent civilians for greedy imperialist profit. :rolleyes:


when you've been accepted into one of the most prestigious universities in the world with a1650 SAT.


Easy there. SATs, as per usual, don't determine much. Who knows? I may be famous in other forms.


You have no idea how angry that makes me, so, with discretion being the better part of valor, I will leave it at this; please stop.


It's your constitutional right to be angry.


The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race.


You cannot, by any means, repair years of oppression and unfair opportunity that has prohibited minorities from climbing the social ladder overnight. AA is hardly a means to address reparations and equalize the gap.</p>

go to his previous threads and he has a chances one.
he scored over 2100 on the SATs.</p>

<p>I lied. ;)</p>

And tennis, you're the immature bitter jackass saying he is only successful because of his ethnicity.


I agree with you. It goes to show how racism is still persistent in our modern society. Scumbags need not apply to prestigious school.</p>

That's quite the tangent there, I can play that game too. The same nation that enslaved Blacks for centuries, the same nation that is responsible for foreign imperialist aggression, the same nation that is hated by the world. The same corrupt nation that has deliberately invaded and killed innocent civilians for greedy imperialist profit.


<p>Your specificity highlights the gravity of your arguments :rolleyes:</p>

You cannot, by any means, repair years of oppression and unfair opportunity that has prohibited minorities from climbing the social ladder overnight. AA is hardly a means to address reparations and equalize the gap.


<p>Are we going to play the AA is for reparations game again? Because the Supreme Court already ruled that AA is not a substitute for reparations (Regents of the University of California v. Bakke) And if we're going to play the reparations game, remind me when Hispanics, who, as you've already conceded, benefit greatly from AA, have suffered as much as Asian Americans. Unless of course there were internment camps for Mexicans that I'm currently unaware of. Or is this merely residual suffering? Or maybe the Asian successes undermine their victim status? </p>

<p>But please, tell me about "equalizing the gap." I'm all ears. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>I'm going to end this post, and probably every post I make on this topic, the same way: The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race.</p>

<p>Hahaha incognito does not get enough attention from his parents or does not have any friends, so he has troll around on the forums. It is kind of funny. The troll only grows as much as you feed it.</p>

Unless of course there were internment camps for Mexicans that I'm currently unaware of


They call it Mexico.</p>

<p>Another bitter asian (indian) here saying AA needs to be abolished.</p>

<p>Socieoeconomic factors are NOT equal to race!</p>

Socieoeconomic factors are NOT equal to race!


Statistically, yes. If AA was purely based on socioeconomic status, it is a statistical fact that African-Americans would imbalance AA further.</p>

<p>It's good as it is now, every idea to reform it has been beaten to a pulp.</p>

do you play soccer?</p>

Are we going to play the AA is for reparations game again? Because the Supreme Court already ruled that AA is not a substitute for reparations (Regents of the University of California v. Bakke)


It didn't rule that it wasn't a "subsitute for reparations". The argument was that the medical school had supposedly admitted "lesser and under qualified" minorities. The university had approximately 16 assured spots specifically for minorities, out of the one hundred possible spots. Soon after, the lawsuit of reverse discrimination was taken to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court outlawed "inflexible quota systems in affirmative action programs" meaning that educational institutions could not be unwilling to use quota systems. </p>


Unless of course there were internment camps for Mexicans that I'm currently unaware of. Or is this merely residual suffering? Or maybe the Asian successes undermine their victim status?


The justification for affirmative action rests on the firm idea that past historical and current discrimination severely limited the access to education experiences and job opportunities. In example, slavery was once legal as well as race-based segregation in schools and society, which in turn affected African-Americans, Hispanics and Native Americans, the right for these groups as well as women to vote was also nil at certain points. Affirmative action is one of the best set of "principles" designed to eliminate unfair decision-making when it comes to its application of employment and education, referring to the once oppressed admission process into higher learning institutions and jobs for minorities. Other "principles" are based on the idea that people in positions of power are likely to hire people they already know or people from similar, albeit racial, backgrounds. </p>


But please, tell me about "equalizing the gap." I'm all ears.


In the words of President Johnson:
"You do not wipe away the scars of centuries by saying: 'now you are free to go where you want, do as you desire, and choose the leaders you please.' You do not take a man who for years has been hobbled by chains, liberate him, bring him to the starting line of a race, saying 'you are free to compete with all the others,' and still justly believe you have been completely fair…This is the next and more profound stage of the battle for civil rights. We seek not just freedom but opportunity—not just legal equity but human ability—not just equality as a right and a theory, but equality as a fact and as a result."


The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race.


A color-blind society fails because the resistance to affirmative action is based on the idea of "...reverse discrimination and not biased preferential" However, the statistics indicate that less than two percent of the ninety one thousand employment prejudice cases pending against the Equal Opportunities Commission are actually reverse race-based or gender-based discriminatory cases. The majority of people in the American society would agree that the U.S. should promote and provide equal opportunity to every racial or ethnic group, however there is lesser agreement of whether the U.S. is actually succeeding in that attempt. Thus, affirmative action is partly viewed as part of the problem while many view it as part of the solution, ergo divisive and controversial disparity. Such as your bitter self.</p>

<p>There is clear accord that several ethnic and racial groups have been historically oppressed and that today this is still evident. Due to our biased society in the United States, certain groups have not achieved equality. Statistically there is a "bias in education, household income, access to health care, and employment with regards to race. I mean, The United States to this day is still struggling with such trivial manners, but the only way to assure that this isn't a problem is to grant greater access to minorities in their continuation of studies and education.</p>

<p>so do you play soccer?</p>

<p>I play my organ.</p>

mexicans dont do that.</p>

<p>You students (I'm a parent) are going at each others' throats, but try not to forget: The schools are making these choices because they want their populations to more closely reflect the ethnic distribution of the general population. They are not simply choosing the applicants with the top SATs or the top GPAs; they are picking and choosing among all the qualified applicants in order to meet what they see as their own needs. If they chose simply by SAT and/or GPA they would end up mostly Asian (due to the extreme valuation of education in Asian cultures rich and poor) and there would probably be an eventual backlash. So I don't think it's so bad to try to mirror the general population; it may be better for us all in the long run.</p>

mexicans dont do that. They play soccer or sell chiclets. So which one is it?


It was a pun you fool.</p>

<p>And I happen to like soccer and chew on chiclets, either chew on that, or chew my opponents' spirits.</p>

<p>no thank you
viva la raza dude</p>

<p>hehe .</p>