Yygs 2021!

Early Application results are coming out today! (currently 30 min left!)
This is a thread for accepted applicants :slight_smile:

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I got deferred…

@michandseo what was your decision?

I got in for IST

I got in LPC II

Do you have any advice for someone applying to IST currently?

Hi! I got deferred :frowning: sad but I understand since I am not from a low-income family but still asking for financial aid! I’m crossing fingers for the both of us!!



I got selected for LPC I

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Is that early admissions or regular?


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Does anyone know what time decisions come out today?

I’m waiting too. When we get decisions we can type the outcome in the chat like the early admits did.

Same here, decisions probably won’t come out until 11:59 pm

decisions just came out for me!

3.46 freshman and sophomore year, 3.8 junior year
no test score


  1. founder of an international nonprofit
  2. research with top LAC professor
  3. speech and debate officer
  4. fbla president
  5. high school democrats officer
    other random ecs

no award

guess my decision??

Hey guys I was just accepted in YYGS session 2. Sadly I can’t attend session 2 and would need to switch to session 1. Would anyone be willing to switch? I’m in politics, law, and economics.

I filled out a from and turned down my position in session 2. :(( Hopefully I’ll get into session 1; if not, I know someone amazing that got waitlisted will get the spot. Good luck y’all!



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