
How important is it to complete and submit a ZeeMee profile for Tulane? My daughters application is ready to go except for this. Tulane is one of her top choices, but she’s having trouble downloading the app and getting it to work on her phone. I know the Common App shows it as optional, but do you think it makes a big difference in acceptance if you’re not able to do it? Thanks!

I have helped several students apply to Tulane and none of them have done the Zee Mee this year. When ZeeMee came out a couple of years ago, it was a visual platform which primarily used photos and some text. Now it is 100% short snipets of video. Personally, I thought that the old platform was much better and have not been pushing my students to complete it. I would say, just submit the application (EA deadline is November 15!! So get it in asap!). Don’t worry about zeemee. If she decides that she wants to do it, she can always email admissions at a later date with the link to her zeemee account.

Thank you! That’s exactly what I’ll have her do! App should now go in tonight or tomorrow morning