Zircushio--More About the Sloan Scholars

Here is the link for the article regarding the Sloan Scholars just named at SC. This is not my field, but from the article I am assuming this research is on the cutting edge in molecular biology.
"Alber, assistant professor in molecular and computational biology, develops and applies computational methods for the structure determination of large protein complexes, which are important "molecular machines" in cells."</p>

<p>Here is the link for the complete article: Researchers</a> Receive Sloan Fellowships</p>

<p>Great for David Kempe, too…he does lots of neat stuff also :)</p>

<p>aww thanks :slight_smile: it was a good read</p>

<p>at first i was like, wait a second… someone used my name? :stuck_out_tongue: but thanks for the extra bit of info. its good to see USC filled with some of the best professors around the world.</p>

<p>This was printed on another site, not an SC site.
“USC’s computational biological science is among the top programs in the nation.”</p>