
<p>chance me and i shall chance you! =D</p>

<p>Race: Asian American (Immigrant)
School: extremely competitive, one of the best in the nation</p>

<p>Interested in Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Cornell, USC, NYU, UCLA, UC Berkeley, UCSD, UCI.</p>

<p>Live in California</p>


<p>Academic Stats</p>

<p>GPA: 3.7/4.0 UW 4.4/5.0 W
Class Rank: not sure, but pretty sure it's top 25% or top 15%</p>

<p>not going to put all my classes down here cuz its disgusting long...</p>

<p>SAT: 2180: Math 800, Crit Reading 640 ( =[ ) , Writing 740
SAT IIs: 800 Math IIC, 790 Korean, 710 Chemistry, 660 US History (not going to put the last two in transcript...takin bio and physics in october =P)
ACt: 33 composite: 34 English, 36 Math, 31 Crit Reading, 32 Science</p>

<p>probably going to turn in ACT. taking again in sept. for 34 or 35 though.</p>

*Comp Sci A 5
*Comp Sci AB 5
*Statistics 5
*US History 4
*Language 4 (English)
*European History 4</p>

IB Physics 5</p>

<p>next year taking: (ewwwwww i hate my schedule -.-;; too much work for senioritis!)
AP/IB Spanish 4
AP/IB Chem
IB HL2 Philosophy
IB Theory of Knowledge

-Kendo 4 years: black belt 1st degree, probably will be 2nd degree by October when i take test =D
-Youth Leadership America (Non-Profit Organization) 3 years: treasurer 2nd year, president this year
-Yearbook one year: Tech Editor next year
-Speech and Debate member
-FBLA member 4 years
-JSA 3 years\
-CSF every semester
-NHS 11th grade
-MUN 3 years (ASB liaison senior year)
-Volunteered at La Palma Library 150+ hours
-Volunteered at Sunrise Senior Livings
-Alter serving at church volunteer</p>

<p>(YES i have a laundry list. IM SORRY.)</p>

<p>*<em>-Internship at Korean-American Federation of Orange County (KAFOC) 10th grade summer
*</em>-Internship at Walsworth Franklin Bevins and McCall (Law Firm) 11th grade summer</p>

<p>*Total volunteer hours inc. internship=400+ hours.</p>

IB Diploma Candidate
3rd Place in FBLA State Conference-Networking Concepts
4th Place in FBLA State Conference-Business Financial Plan
1st Place at Eung Moon Kim Memorial Team Tournament for Kendo
*<em>Won$500 Scholarship from KAFOC
*</em><em>Featured in 2 Korean newspapers for exceptional community service (my pride and joy...)
*</em>*Featured in School newspaper (Oracle) for Kendo
Principle Honor Roll since...forever...useless -.-;;</p>

<p>So yeah...I'll list out college again ^^</p>

UC Berkeley


<p>Harvard - crapshoot
Yale - crapshoot
Columbia - reach
Cornell - low reach
UC Berkeley - reach
USC - high match
UCLA - match
NYU - high match/low reach
UCSD - match
UCI - match</p>

<p>I'd say that you might want to work on EC focus, that and increase your SAT a bit. But it all looks fairly impressive :)</p>

<p>[thread=546604]There ya go![/thread]</p>


<p>CMON GUYS is my title rly dat bad? o.o too bad the caps didnt work. bleh.</p>

<p>Harvard -high reach
Yale-High reach
Columbia - reach
Cornell - low reach
UC Berkeley - reach
USC - high match
UCLA - match
NYU - match
UCSD - match if you are in state
UCI - safety?</p>

<p>thanks guys! anybody else? =D</p>

<p>i'm not certified to chance you, but i wouldn't say that UCB is a reach when you have a good SAT and GPA and your instate. i would think maybe closer to low reach.</p>

<p>yay thanks! =D</p>

<p>I'd work on upping your SATs and focusing your ECs. Honestly, things you haven't won significant awards in you can drop for senior year. And even in a competitive school, your rank's a little shabby.</p>

<p>Harvard- Ehhhh...definitely high reach.
Yale- Ditto
Columbia- Ditto
Cornell- Reach
UC Berkeley- Reach

<p>Can't speak to the rest.</p>

<p>Harvard - reach
Yale - reach
Columbia - reach
Cornell - low reach
UC Berkeley - high match
USC - match
UCLA - match
NYU - high match/low reach
UCSD - safety
UCI - safety</p>

<p>we're SAT score twins (but you did better)!!! haha. the critical reading section just killed me.</p>

<p>Harvard - you never know
Yale - reach
Columbia - reach
Cornell - low reach
UC Berkeley - match
USC - match
UCLA - match
NYU - match
UCSD - in
UCI - in</p>

<p>Good luck fellow Asian!!</p>

<p>and me -- <a href="http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/547444-so-here-goes-again-i-changed-my-mind-chance-me.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/547444-so-here-goes-again-i-changed-my-mind-chance-me.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>thx hahaha i hope ur right crystal cuz i really like your predictions xD (i really dont expect to get into any ivies =P)</p>

<p>Wooohoo. Nice to see another IB candidate here. Your SAT IIs are excellent and while I'm jealous of your SAT, they maybe low for Yale and Harvard (though, they continue to surprise me with admissions =)). Anywho:</p>

<p>Yale and Harvard: High reaches.
Columbia: Reach
Cornell: Low Reach/possible match
UC Berkeley: Ditto Cornell
USC: Match
UCLA: Match
NYU: Match/possible safety
UCSD: safety
UCI: safety</p>

<p>Chance me please? <a href="http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/547320-chances-reccommended-safeties-please.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/547320-chances-reccommended-safeties-please.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>yay! thx hahahah</p>

<p>bumppp for a couple more chance ^^</p>

<p>In at NYU, UCSD, UCI. Slight reach to high match for Berkeley and UCLA. Good shot at the rest.</p>

<p>Why aren't you applying to Stanford, if you're in California? You'd have a good shot there as well, I'd say.</p>

<p>I don't see why you wouldn't be in for Berkeley/UCLA, but if anything, low reach and match for rest of the UCs.</p>

<p>If you're interested in science, I think you have a very good shot at Johns Hopkins personally. Not sure with your EC interests though..</p>

<p>The ivies may be a bigger reach for you but you are a match to the other schools. For senior year, I would suggest focusing on a few ec's. Remember, Common App only requests the 7 ec's that are most important to you, so pick a few and really dedicate yourself to them.</p>

<p>I'm actually thinking of going undecided for my major: i'm at a stalemate between english and computer science. but science is a definite no for me haha. no talent nor desire for science. =P</p>

<p>i really only wanted to apply to a couple of ivies, but perhaps i will try for stanford ^^ makes me happy that you think i have a chance! haha</p>

<p>If science is a definite no for you, why computer science? It's very much a science--you will have to get heavy into math, theory of computation, and electronics (depending on the program, you may have to take electrical engineering classes, as well as physics ones in mechanics, circuits, the like). It even has "science" in the name. :p</p>

<p>lol sorry i wasn't specific enough; i meant bioengineering-type. i understand that comp sci has a lot of science involved, but i mostly meant that i didn't want to become a doctor or anything. if i happen to major in computer science, i guess i will have to face my worst fear though =( haha. i love computers and coding though so i guess it'll be worth it? @.@</p>

<p>dis is why i remain undecided LOL.</p>