2019-20 Burnett Medical Scholars: chance me and advice

Hello @marie190 can you please let me know what are my chances for getting accepted to Burnett honors college?

Gpa: w4.8 / uw 3.92
SAT: first time took in March with no studying 1220- will take again in August
EC: beta club, volunteer at a hospital, 120 hrs so far in beginning of senior year
Ap: took 10 classes got A’s on 9 and one B, but failed 3 Ap exams, passed 2 Ap exam with score 3, passed one with a score 4; there are 4 more Ap exams to take during senior year
How can I increase my chance for Burnett honors college acceptance?
When is the best time to apply to burnett honors college? My SAT score will not be here until mid-September and I’m not sure if I’ll score above 1400, what is the minimum SAT score that is helpful for my admission?
Which transcript do they consider for Burnett honors college admission (mid year, first quarter, second semester, etc)
Any advice from all those who can help is much appreciated.
Thank you.