CC Updates for October/November 2022

I somehow missed the entire month of October, but here’s what’s been going on at CC since September.

School AMAs

We’ve been working with school partners to host AMA-style events. Recently representatives from NYU and UChicago answered questions about ED/EA. We plan to host more events in the months ahead.

Student Ambassadors

You might have seen our Student Ambassadors around the site. Here’s a sample:

Top ten topics

On a site as diverse as CC, it can be hard to get the big picture of what other people find useful. So I started looking at the most-viewed topics of the last month. (The numbers in parenthesis are the number of replies that topic got.)

  1. I Ended Up at Northeastern University: Here’s Where Else I Applied (45)
  2. Official Early Action / Early Decision Thread for Fall 2023 (70)
  3. Get All Your ED Questions Answered! Exclusive ASK ME ANYTHING w/ NYU on Thu, Oct 20 5-6pm ET (115)
  4. What are some red flags in a college application that not many people talk about? (118)
  5. Official Early Action / Early Decision Notification Dates for Fall 2023 (10)
  6. University of Pittsburgh Class of 2027 Official Discussion Thread (987)
  7. Last Minute EA/ED Insider Tips - Exclusive ASK ME ANYTHING w/ U. Chicago on Thu, Oct 27 from 1-2pm ET (67)
  8. Auburn University Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission (260)
  9. Wake Forest Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission (94)
  10. Six figure salary right out of undergrad (354)

It’s encouraging that CC really does seem to be helping students plot a course to success in higher education.

New User(s) of the Month(s)

One of the badges we award is “New User of the Month”. It’s actually awarded to two people each month who have made excellent contributions as determined by your likes. For Ocotober and September those users were:

user month
@ProfandParent 2022 Oct
@MegHartman 2022 Oct
@MAmomto4 2022 Sep
@ovo_sammy 2022 Sep

Site infrastructure stabilization

Behind the scenes we’ve been working on stabilizing our infrastructure in preparation for spikes in activity in December and March. We updated our database and reconfigured our web servers. Your reports in Community & Forum Issues have been quite helpful to us as we diagnose problems. The more feedback we get, the easier it is to track down root causes.