Current CS Senior at UMD - ask me anything

This is not an easy question to answer, but there is some information which may help.

In the Fall 2022 Semester UMD had 405 new freshman enrolled in CS. The Gateway Courses are CMSC131, CMSC132, and MATH140.

Last Fall, UMD offered 1,088 seats for CMSC131, 610 seats for CMSC132, and 1,018 seats for MATH140.

Also, some of the students that were directly enrolled will have gotten AP Credit for 1 or more of these courses,

Some of the students who got L&S, instead of CS, will also have gotten AP Credit for 1 or more of these courses.

CMSC131 is a prerequisite for CMSC132, so both cannot be taken in the same semester

I have no idea how the grading policy is.

I got this data from the following link