So what do you do with an empty-nest?

<p>Just realizing that DH and I are actually empty-nesters as only-child headed back to boarding school last month. I posted this a few weeks back on the prep school parents forum, but it’s relevant here as I am belatedly aware of my status as an empty-nester and wondering how this happened so stealthily.


<p>Then, later, as other prep school parents started to PM me about how they deal with the time between breaks, I felt I had to clarify:</p>



<p>When our DS left for boarding school last year, we thought of ourselves as boarding school parents when in reality we were empty-nesters, too. It’s taken a full school year/summer cycle for this to fully dawn on me. Yes, DS is still a youngster, but that doesn’t bring him home at night. I keep sneaking over to this forum because I feel I have a foot in both camps. I appreciate this thread. Now that I have a new status, I’m going to have to try some of your suggestions. ;)</p>