Transfer from Wesleyan University. Is it worth it?

I’m concerned about some of the very basic things about which you seem to be completely unaware. For example, you mention STEM and research, but appear to not know that Wesleyan is among the top two LACs in R&D spending NSF – NCSES Academic Institution Profiles – Rankings by total R&D expenditures, and well ahead of all of the other small colleges you seem to prefer. Research $ aside, Wesleyan is among the very top LACs in several areas of STEM, and is in fact very well known for strength across the hard sciences (though it gets a lot of its press for the social sciences and arts). One highlight would be that Wes has won two Apker physics prizes, and has had at least one finalist, in the research university division of that competition, and it has a wonderful and very productive astro department to compliment its relatively deep and broad physics curricula. Wes is also one of 36 schools (which includes national schools) to have earned a 5 pens designation from Fiske for the quality of its “academics”, as broadly defined in that publication. Most Elite Colleges & Universities for Academics--2020 Fiske Guide To Colleges . There is a lot more to write about Wesleyan, but I suspect it’s not going to be helpful in your case.

Agree with others that you probably need to take a step back and reassess what you think and why you think it. One of my Ds graduated from Wes and is a graduate student in a PhD STEM program at one of the very top research universities on the planet. She’s a very bright woman, and I will pass along to you what she told me during her time there as a physics/astro student-athlete when she experienced her very first “B” grade: “Dad, there are some really, really smart people here. I keep up with them because I work super hard. Some of these people really do just get “it” faster than I do.” And, again, she’s very bright and has the stats to back it up. I saw in another thread that you were looking for schools that will accept a 32 ACT score. Well, though I tend to avoid assessing anybody’s intelligence, much less someone I don’t know, and much less based on one data point, I feel very confident in saying here that you won’t feel like you’re the smartest egg at Wesleyan, because you won’t be. By a long shot… So some humility (and yes, gratitude) might be in order.

But then again, do what you feel like you need to do; on the surface, it seems you may not be a good fit for Wesleyan in any event.