**UCLA Class of 2025 Decisions (Stats only)**

Trying to help out @10s4life since they are very busy with their job so I am starting the Stats only thread for the Class of 2025. Please post your stats and pertinent information using the template below.

Best of luck to all applicants.

Decision: Admitted

Decision: Waitlisted

Decision: Rejected

Merit scholarships awarded (if any):

Major (and division if applicable) applied to:


Calculate your GPAs with GPA Calculator for the University of California – RogerHub

UC Unweighted GPA:

UC Capped Weighted GPA:

UC Fully Weighted GPA:

ELC (top 9%):

Comments about course load (including senior year):

SAT Subject Tests (if any):

AP exams (scores in parentheses):

IB exams (score in parentheses):

Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.):


For the following, indicate level of recognition or award (e.g. local, state, national, international) and/or leadership roles:


Job/Work Experience:

Volunteer/Community service:

Summer Activities:

Personal Insight essays (details):

Letters of recommendation/Augmented Review:


State (if domestic applicant):

Country (if international applicant):

High school type:


Applied for need-based financial aid?:

Pell grant eligible?:

Maximum Pell grant (FAFSA EFC = $0)?:

Highest level of parent education:

Living with both, one, or no parents?:




Why you think you were accepted/waitlisted/rejected:

Where else were you accepted/waitlisted/rejected:



Decision: Admitted

Merit scholarships awarded (if any): None

Major (and division if applicable) applied to: Biology


UC Unweighted GPA: 3.92

UC Capped Weighted GPA: 4.23

UC Fully Weighted GPA: 4.33

ELC (top 9%): Yes

Comments about course load (including senior year): took three+ APs every year since sophomore year, took a variety of honors and AP courses, kept rigor up consistently

SAT Subject Tests (if any): None

AP exams (scores in parentheses): AP Biology (4), AP Composition (5), AP US History (5), AP Euro (5), AP Seminar (4), waiting on: AP Macroeconomics, AP Microeconomics, AP Calculus AB, AP Literature

Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): AP Scholar


Extracurriculars: Started swim program, varsity swimming 4 years, varsity water polo 4, club swimming 9 years, club water polo 5 years, started blog about medieval studies, took online Latin and online infectious disease classes, captain of varsity swim team

Job/Work Experience: lifeguard during the summer, junior coach for swim team

Volunteer/Community service: started free swim program to teach swim lessons

Summer Activities: Lifeguarding, swim coaching

Letters of recommendation/Augmented Review: I don’t know, but probably good


State (if domestic applicant): In State

High school type: Large, competitive

Gender: Female

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Accepted for psychobiology.

We’re speechlessly beyond happy. UCLA was her dream school. We had kind of lost hope after she was rejected by UCSB earlier in the week. So I guess it really is true there just isn’t a way to reliably predict how the UCs will decide.

OOS (small population northern state)
3.92 UW
4.32 UC
4.42 weighted
Top 10% class rank, 300+ students, top high school in the state
ACT: 34 (I know they weren’t used this year, but just to paint a fuller picture)


Son rejected
Not top 10%
ECs - football, baseball, volunteer - this area was a weakness
Not eligible for aide, lives with both parents both college grads, one with MBA
6 AP/Honors plus IB Business
In state - Nor Cal
First rejection. Accepted to: UCSB, Cal Poly SLO, Davis, UofA/Honors, Barrett/ASU, Utah, Bama, Chapman, & SDSU. Waiting on Cal but seems unlikely with UCLA rejection.


OOS son denied CS.
4.0gpa UW 4.84 capped GPA per calculator.
14 Ap courses; including AP chem as sophomore, skipped over AB calculus and went into BC calculus(learned AB on review portion of BC) as a junior and received 5 on ap test, after Physic 1 Skipped over Physics 2(review of physics 2 independently) went into physics C as a senior. Multi variable calculus at flagship state U during 1st semester of HS senior year with 4.0 grade. Linear algebra wasn’t available to match his schedule for his last semester of HS. I don’t if it would of matter if he had taken it. Two sports all 4 years of high school. Self taught passion coder(multiple languages) since middle school. Really loves math and physics. Mostly 5s on AP test two 4s and one 3 in AP Chem as a Soph. I thought skipping over AB calculus and taking MVC at university would of showed enough rigor for admissions with tons of volunteering. In retrospect, should of applied to either applied math, physics or engineering for higher % acceptance rate than CS. His dream is to work for NASA. He spends as much time coding as most boys his age play video games :slight_smile: I am not worried about his outcome in life but it’s frustrating with how hard it is to get into a top CS program. Congrats to the kids accepted :slight_smile:


Decision: Admitted

Merit scholarships awarded (if any): None

Major (and division if applicable) applied to: Bioengineering


UC Unweighted GPA: 4.0

UC Capped Weighted GPA: 4.44? (didn’t include second semester junior year b/c my school went pass/fail)

UC Fully Weighted GPA: 4.44? (didn’t include second semester junior year b/c my school went pass/fail)

ELC (top 9%): yes

Comments about course load (including senior year): 6 AP’s and 1 honor from freshman-junior year, currently taking AP Stats, AP Lit, AP Psych, AP Chem (and unofficially AP Gov) during senior year.

SAT Subject Tests (if any): N/A

AP exams (scores in parentheses): World History (4), Biology (4), Calc AB (5), Lang and Comp (5), US History (5), Physics 1 (2, did not include in my UC application)

IB exams (score in parentheses): N/A

Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): Not really major awards but National Merit Commended, AP Scholar w/ Distinction



  • Founder and President of club ‘Future in Medicine’ (did this in my senior year)
  • In ASB since sophomore year, was Junior Class Secretary and then ASB Secretary my senior year
  • Participated in school’s Red Cross Club and Community Outreach Club
  • My school’s representative for TUPE - Tobacco Use Prevention Education Program
  • Secretary for the Environmental Club
  • Varsity volleyball for 4 years, League Champions my junior year, team captain of club volleyball team for 4 years
  • For AP Gov, completing the class through an “extra class” taught by one of my high school’s teachers that meets 1x per week outside of school hours (I’m not getting a grade for this class or a grade boost)

Job/Work Experience: Lifeguard for 2 summers, worked for my volleyball club coaching younger players

Volunteer/Community service: Had none except for the minimal volunteering through the clubs I was in

Summer Activities: Lifeguarding, volleyball coaching/playing beach

Personal Insight essays (details): Did prompts 1, 2, 5, and 8. Tried to highlight aspects of my personality that weren’t already apparent through my extracurriculars (passion for cooking, culture, how lifeguarding influenced my outlook on responsibility, and a unique home circumstance). I had my lit teacher and older brother revise them, probably like 8/10 quality.

Letters of recommendation/Augmented Review: N/A


State (if domestic applicant): In State

High school type: Large-ish? Competitve

Gender: Female

Applied for need-based financial aid?: Yes, through FAFSA

Pell grant eligible?: No

Highest level of parent education: B.S.

Living with both, one, or no parents?: Both


Strengths: Genuine essays, GPA, national merit commended showed I could test fairly well because you couldn’t submit SAT/ACT this year

Weaknesses: No ‘wow’ extracurriculars, pretty spread out range of interests (no spike), didn’t submit Physics score and applied for engineering

Why you think you were accepted/waitlisted/rejected: Probably essays that related to why I wanted to study my major/revealed a passion for learning, tailored to UCLA, lots of ECs, good GPA

Where else were you accepted/waitlisted/rejected:
Accepted: Cal Poly SLO, SDSU, UC Santa Barbara, UC Davis, UC San Diego, UoP
Waitlisted: UC Irvine
Waiting: Stanford, USC


should also mention he did get the Alumni scholarship email

4.0 GPA
10 APs
ACT 35
In state - NorCal
Accepted: Honors (Clemson, Ohio State, IU, SDSU) UMich Ross, UVA, UCSB, UCSD, UCD, Cal Poly
Waitlisted: University of Washington
Denied: UT
Waiting on: Duke, Northwestern, USC

Decision: Admitted

Major (and division if applicable) applied to: Human Biology and Society


Calculate your GPAs with GPA Calculator for the University of California – RogerHub

UC Unweighted GPA: 3.98

UC Capped Weighted GPA: 4.29

UC Fully Weighted GPA: 4.58

ELC (top 9%): Yes

IB/AP Classes: AP Psychology, AP Physics 1, IB Japanese SL 1 & 2, IB Math SL 1 & 2, IB Biology HL 1 & 2, IB English HL 1 & 2, Health Science (DE), AP Government, Honors English 10 (UC Honors)
Honors Classes: Honors Biology (freshman year), Honors World History, Honors World Geography

AP exams (scores in parentheses): AP Physics (3) | AP Psychology (5)

IB exams (score in parentheses): IB English HL (N/A) | IB Biology HL (N/A)

Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.):

  • Qualified and competed with USA Volleyball National Training Program (Freshman + - Sophomore Year) (National)
  • Competed at USA Volleyball High-Performance Championships (International Tournament)
  • CIF All-Section Team, Volleyball (Sophomore Year)(State)
  • Metropolitan Conference Champion, Volleyball (Sophomore Year) (Local)
  • MYP Personal Project (Sophomore Year)(Local)
  • Scholar-Athlete Award (Every year)(Local)


  • Club Volleyball (Team Captain) (6 years)
  • Varsity Volleyball (Team Captain) (4 years)
  • Yearbook Editor-in-Chief
  • Associated Student Body (Secretary and Board Member)
  • Link Crew Leader
  • National Honor Society
  • California Scholarship Federation

Volunteer/Community service:

  • Girls’ Volleyball Manager
  • Freshman tutor for biology
    Summer Activities:
  • Club Volleyball and training with the USA Volleyball program

State (if domestic applicant): CA

High school type: Public

Gender: Male

Strengths: A lot of awards relating to volleyball and well-rounded extracurriculars with leadership positions

Weaknesses: Volunteering

Decision: Admitted

Merit scholarships awarded (if any): None

Major (and division if applicable) applied to: Pre-Sociology


UC Unweighted GPA: 3.73

UC Capped Weighted GPA: 4.09

UC Fully Weighted GPA: 4.18

ELC (top 9%): Yes-6/345

Comments about course load (including senior year):
6 AP Classes, 8 Honors Classes

SAT Subject Tests (if any): None

AP exams (scores in parentheses): None

IB exams (score in parentheses): None

Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): None


For the following, indicate level of recognition or award (e.g. local, state, national, international) and/or leadership roles:

Extracurriculars: Student Leadership, African American Heritage Club, NHS, Link Crew, Boys Varsity Tennis, Caring for late mother, Journaling. In these positions, I’ve served as a commissioner, treasurer, club president, captain, and secretary.

Job/Work Experience: None

Volunteer/Community service: Volunteering at local church since freshman year, not sure the amount of hours but heavily involved over the course of 4 years

Summer Activities: None

Personal Insight essays (details): For my special talent or skill question, I wrote about how new ways that I applied critical thinking skills from my English 9 honors class encouraged me to observe people in a new light. On my next prompt, significant challenge, I wrote about my mother’s death. It’s impacts and what I did to overcome it as well as new wisdom I gained. Next, for the prompt about an educational barrier I faced, I talked about how having an absent father influenced my academic drive. Finally, for the prompt asking why I would make a good addition to UC, I talked about how I’ve spread compassion on my campus to connect students regardless of differences (race, gender identity, religion, orientaion, etc).

Letters of recommendation/Augmented Review: Yes. Wrote an essay that elaborated on a personal hardship on one of my essay prompts, and reported a 4.0 unweighted and 4.33 weighted GPA from first semester of senior year.


State (if domestic applicant): In-state, CA

Country (if international applicant):

High school type: Public, midsize

Gender: M

Applied for need-based financial aid?: Yes

Pell grant eligible?: N/A

Maximum Pell grant (FAFSA EFC = $0)?: N/A

Highest level of parent education: High School Diploma

Living with both, one, or no parents?: No parents


Strengths: Essays, Number of AP/Honors Courses, Leadership positions in activities, Class Rank

Weaknesses: Unweighted GPA, no major awards or work experience

Why you think you were accepted/waitlisted/rejected: I gave context to my life experiences that have influenced my accomplishments and aspirations. My essays were a big help in getting these messages across. I also took advantage of the limited number of AP and Honors courses at my school.

Where else were you accepted/waitlisted/rejected:
Waitlisted: UC Irvine
Rejected: SDSU
Waiting to hear from: Columbia, NYU, Harvard

Decision: D Admitted

Merit scholarships awarded (if any): None

Major (and division if applicable) applied to: African American Studies


UC Unweighted GPA: 3.7

UC Capped Weighted GPA: 4.1

UC Fully Weighted GPA: 4.17

ELC (top 9%): Unknown

Comments about course load (including senior year): No APs

SAT Subject Tests (if any): None

AP exams (scores in parentheses): None

IB exams (score in parentheses): None

Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): None


For the following, indicate level of recognition or award (e.g. local, state, national, international) and/or leadership roles: Tennis MVP

Extracurriculars: Girls Tennis Captain, Manager Boys

Job/Work Experience: None

Volunteer/Community service: None

Summer Activities: Community college courses

Personal Insight essays (details): Sports, leadership, sibling rivalry

Letters of recommendation/Augmented Review: None


State (if domestic applicant): CA

Country (if international applicant): NA

High school type: local, Public/LAUSD

Gender: F

Applied for need-based financial aid?: Y

Pell grant eligible?: No

Maximum Pell grant (FAFSA EFC = $0)?: NA

Highest level of parent education: College grad

Living with both, one, or no parents?: one


Strengths: Essay, Leadership, Sports

Weaknesses: No APs

Admitted: UCLA, UCD, UCI

Waitlisted: UCSB, UCSD

Rejected: None yet

GENERAL COMMENTS: Still waiting on UCB

with his stats did he apply cal tech or mit?

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What major did you declare? Where in NoCal?

Yes, Stanford, Cal tech, MIT and received the hat trick of rejections. He had a classmate (stem) get into cal tech with similar class ranking (plus or minus 2) and stats. However his classmate did summer math programs at Berkley and Stanford and was on the high school robotics team. While my son did traditional sport summer camps between each grade except for covid summer. However, he is the founder of cryptography club and is always creating ALGOs to solve problems. He rejected my offer to have a paid college advisor to review his college material and rejected an internship from a well known silicon valley company from a friend of mine, calling it a nepotisms offer for the privilege to receive a LOR. He is way more mature than his father(me) and doesn’t regret past decisions or at least he knows he is powerless in changing the past. I have confirmation bias but he is the smartest person I know… who is passionate about his interest and has a high level of awareness for other people. I wish these top CS programs would accept the kids code sets and ALGOs that they created; judge their code/Algo portfolio like they would an art portfolio or have a standardize test for coding. Create an Algo to solve this set problem in the next 3 or 4 hours in the language of your choice. I understand their are so many super talented and brilliant kids applying to CS ranked programs. We are hopeful he will end up in the right place :slight_smile: Thanks!

Decision: Admitted

Merit scholarships awarded (if any): None

Major (and division if applicable) applied to: Pre-Political Science


UC Unweighted GPA: 4.0

UC Fully Weighted GPA: 4.77

ELC (top 9%): yes

Comments about course load (including senior year): All AP/IB/Honors except for first 2 years of Spanish, and electives.

SAT Subject Tests (if any): None

AP exams (scores in parentheses): World History (4), US History (5), Psych (no score yet), Gov (no score yet)

IB exams (score in parentheses): HL Biology (no score yet), HL English (no score yet)


For the following, indicate level of recognition or award (e.g. local, state, national, international) and/or leadership roles:

Extracurriculars: NHS President (2 years), ASB (Commissioner of Community Relations), Link Crew, Class Cabinet, varsity soccer, varsity tennis

Job/Work Experience: Ran my own depop shop

Volunteer/Community service: Hospital Volunteer (300 hrs, 3 years)

Summer Activities: Rady Children’s Summer Medical Academy (2 weeks), Healthcare Exploration Summer Institute (4 weeks).

Personal Insight essays (details):

  • Creativity: Talks about my depop shop that I started over quarantine and how it satisfied my creative side + passion for sustainability
  • Community: Talks about a clothing drive I ran for homeless patients discharged from my local hospital and what I learned about being a leader, from it
  • Educational Opportunity: Talks about my experience hosting an Australian student and that she taught me how the rest of the world views America.
  • Subject: Talks about my love for American History and how this fueled my desire to go in to politics. A few Hamilton references here and there :wink:


State (if domestic applicant): CA

High school type: Public

Gender: F


Strengths: Grades, Extracurriculars, Essays

Weaknesses: No SAT score?

Why you think you were accepted/waitlisted/rejected: Strong applicant all around, my essays were probably the strongest part of my application

Where else were you accepted/waitlisted/rejected:
Rejected: Cal Poly Slo, SDSU

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: UCLA Class of 2025 Discussion

I just don’t understand this one … what in the heck ? Talk about beyond qualified on paper. Where else did he apply ? For some reason this was just not meant to be BUT can’t wait to see where he ends up continuing to knock it out of the park !!

Thanks, We can’t sweat the small stuff in life. I am grateful for this format to vent my frustrations :slight_smile: I am done venting and back to being grateful for everything. I will post where he ends up. I was a CC transfer into public U and did great with life, happiness and business. However, people like Cathie Wood who went to USC leverage her relationships gained at college to succeed at a high level “One of Wood’s professors was Arthur Laffer, who became Wood’s lifelong mentor.[18]” It is what it is; this consciousness train ride called life. No one knows the stops or destinations. Thanks :slight_smile:

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Kudos for very healthy and reasonable outlook. I think the quote goes on to say, “and it’s ALL the small stuff” ! I also firmly believe the “where” is less important as the what you “do” with opportunities and gifts presented in life. That said, he will be a fabulous addition to any campus !

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