Your Good Buy Of The Day (Part 1)

<p>I love how you all are making me think thrifty!!!!</p>

<p>Was out doing a little shopping today - yep, using my coupons at the grocery store and at the retail stores. </p>

<p>Thought it would be fun to share good deals we found.</p>

<p>I'll start.</p>

<p>I needed a copy of "The Polar Express" for work. At B and N, in their bargain section, I found a gift set that includes hard cover book, CD, tape and bell ornament (you know, the famous PExpress bell) for $9.98! Members price only $8.98! I thought that was a great deal on a sweet Christmas gift if you're looking to buy for a child (or a grown one :) )</p>

<p>Here's a link to the same online deal - it says limited quantities:</p>

<p>Barnes &</a> - Book Search: Bargain, the polar express</p>

<p>So, what's your good buy of the day ????</p>

<p>$1.87 gallon of gas…</p>

<p>I stopped by the semi-local liquor warehouse to pick up some white wine for Thanksgiving cooking…all of the wines were on sale, so I stocked up and bought some Yellow Tail Pinot Grigio and Shiraz for $ 6.09 a bottle…it is usually about $10 so my little find was a happy one. Woodbridge was about the same price.</p>

<p>went to Macy’s yesterday.</p>

<p>Got a pair of leather/cashmere lined gloves for my son for $30 (they were 40% off and I had a $10 off $30 purchase coupon)</p>

<p>started looking at Black Friday ads today, and found a 5x7 digital frame that ordinarily runs $99, that will be $59. Might try to pick up a couple.</p>

<p>^^^teriwtt, what store was that? I’d like one of those for Xmas, perhaps I could tell hubby about the “deal.”</p>

<p>Target. Even has a link to a picture of the item.</p>

<p>$4.99/pound for shelled walnuts(normally $8.99/pound).</p>

<p>Can you reveal where you find the Black Friday ads??? </p>

<p>The last few years I haven’t really gone out, but I’m curious…</p>

<p>google is your friend [Black</a> Friday Ads for Black Friday 2008 and Black Friday Deals!](<a href=“Black Friday 2025: The Best Black Friday Ads & Deals |”></p>

<p>ShopRite is selling Bryer’s icecream for $1.98 a 1/2 gallon (with store card & coupon). Deli-sliced turkey for $4.98 a lb (usually $7 a lb).</p>

<p>Hi Violadad…does the above post really belong with the “as seen on TV” thread?</p>

<p>Thanks thumper. Don’t know how I managed that one. I’ve asked the mods to move it.</p>

<p>Tropicana orange juice has been sky high for several years so we stopped buying it. I wonder if it has followed the price of gasoline down.</p>

<p>Your visiting richer sister and husband takes you out for a good meal</p>

<p>I went to Old Navy and they had a 30% off sale going on and one of the things I got was a cashmere sweater. Originally marked down from 59.50 to 40.00 then it was 26 somethin after the discount. Good deal</p>

<p>Darn! I wanted one of those cashmere sweaters for my daughter - they weren’t on sale at our Old Navy yesterday…</p>

<p>Oh yeah I think it was just men’s, but you could’ve still gotten the 30% coupon thing, I think it was a company-wide thing.</p>

<p>After a day of raking leaves, I went shopping for a couple of hours. The black Calvin Klein pants I really needed were 50% off plus additional 20% off plus I had a coupon, but Macy’s was out of size 8! Size 10 fell off my butt. I normally wear a 10 and swear the butt did not get any tinier. However, I got myself a nice warm hat and a pashmina at a local Nordstrom Rack. The pashmina was $29.99, and it did not look any different from the other ones in the same pile that were $59.99 (marked down from $89.99 - who would pay that much for a scarf? :eek:)</p>

<p>bunsenburner - they wouldn’t check another store for you for the pants?</p>