1 Week ...

<p>NM–so sorry to hear about DS!!! Hope he is feeling much better.</p>

<p>Aww, I am choking up now reading all of these posts. Will be driving the 12 hours south on Thursday to bring my freshman daughter to Tut move in Fri morning. As a divorced Mom with just this one…I’ll be sobbing all the way home on Sat :slight_smile: I am so happy for her and I know UA is a perfect choice…but I am really having a pity party right now saying goodbye to her childhood. Best wishes to everyone on your physical and emotional journeys this week!</p>

<p>Strangely S has been nicer than usual, I think he realizes he is leaving soon. I think he is getting a little nervous and he wants to see every last person he knows before he leaves. He was just doing lunch & dinner dates/meet ups. Today it was breakfast, lunch & dinner.</p>

<p>My son, too, has been extra nice. Tonight he just looked at his sister and shook his head and smiled as she had a tantrum (she’s 14). Usually he’s thoroughly disgusted. Why couldn’t she be first? Oh, just kidding I guess.</p>

<p>vcm…is your DD going through recruitment? Last year we drove 11 1/2 hours to drop our youngest off for recruitment. i was sad/ excited/ nervous for her. I knew that I would miss her a lot (she had been an “only” for two years…her older brother graduated in 2008. She played circuit tennis in the summers and varsity tennis during the school year and we had spent a lot of time together driving to and from tournaments as well as hanging out at them for days on end. I know that this signifies the end of childhood so to speak but as she spreads her wings and flies smile and pat yourself on a job well done momma!!! I am more than happy to chat with you as the recruitment week unfolds (I am just assuming she’s doing this since she’s livinging in Tut)…if I am wrong then so sorry! Just pm me…having been through this multiple time (my other daughter was also Greek and I sit on Panhellenic council)…am happy to caht and talk about the process. Good luck for a smooth move in. hint…be prepared for your DD to be ready for you to leave sooner than you are ready to leave…grab the box of kleenex and head out the door. Your DD will appreciate it and although you will boo hoo to the state line it is the right thing to do! Thinking good thoughts for you and all who are dropping off freshmen this year.</p>

<p>Thanks for the kind words ahpimommy! Yup she is going through recruitment and is soo excited (and a little nervous, naturally). I am so proud of her, happy for her, confident in her etc etc. I’m just keeping the big smile on and enjoying every moment I have with her now. We have had a great time shopping and getting ready and it has been a really good summer (but I am becoming increasingly teary in my private moments and I know the waterworks will come. I know I am about to join a huge club of parents who have been there and survived :-)!!</p>