10th grade class advice please, future IB candidate

Hi, I’m going to do IB in 11th grade, going to take IB Eng(HL), Math(HL), Physics(HL), Spanish(SL), Computer(HL), 6th subject (SL , IB-Psychology or IB-Business, need advice on the also , please)

I’m thinking about 10th grade class, I need to choose between Physics and Business(or Economy), my future major in college will be science, engineering(EE or CS mostly)

Business(Economy) will evolve Deca which is very good in my school, and other older friends thinks this class is very helpful for writing and public speech training.
10th grade Physics, I will have IB Physics HL later, is it too much? I don’t need it to get prepared for IB Physics, I have some background on physics already, I will get good grade on this mostly. But is it very helpful for college application to have this on 10th grade transcript?

Can anyone please give me some advice?

Thanks a lot!


Are you not required to have history (SS) junior and senior year anyway? For graduation requirements?

Everyone in the IB diploma program needs to take IB history of the americas (HOTA) at my school. Also, if you are interested in engineering you should take 1 yr of chem in high school. Most colleges will make engineering majors take 1 or 2 semesters of chem and it’s much easier if you’ve taken some already. IB Physics HL is a 2 year class, so you should take chem in 10th grade.

most IB school require to start IB in 11th grade, only very few gifted school will start IB in 10th grade.
for IB diploma, I can have English, physics, math, spanish, a social science(IB business or IB psychology) and another science like computer, 6 areas, not required IB history only, any other social science subject is fine.
I have a year of chem in 9th grade already and finished bio in 8th grade. so no choice in 10th grade for science except physics.