Sophomore on IB


I’m currently a sophomore. I’ll be taking IB in junior and senior year and i’m confused as to what to take in IB. In college I want to pursue macro-economics (as a major), but I also have a passion for physics and technology. I eventually want to be an entrepreneur (But, let’s save that for later). Anyways, what IB courses should I take. I know for sure that i’ll take Math HL, but should I also take Physics and Economics HL? What about my SL’s? I am interested in Physics, Math, Economics, Business, and English and Second Language are mandatory.

So you have to take one IB class in all 5 “core subjects” and one elective (that’s 6 IB classes). And you need to have 3 HL / 3 SL or 4 HL / 2 SL
Given your interests I’d recommend something like
English SL
Foreign Language SL
Economics HL
Physics HL
Math HL
Business SL or Computer Science SL (because you’re interested in technology)

Physics and Math HL is a one of the more difficult combos, but if you enjoy the subjects you should go for it. Econ HL is pretty easy.

Note : I don’t know which subjects your school offers.