11/14 Monday at TCU Thoughts?

Hi all.

Just for fun, wondering who here attended the Monday at TCU program. What were your thoughts about the day?
Favorite and least favorite parts of the day?
Did the overall experience help you decide if TCU is higher, lower or off your list?
Please share if you are a parent or HS senior/junior/underclassmen and maybe what major you’re exploring.

I am a HS senior and I loved Monday at TCU. My favorite part was how nice the students were and how happy they looked on campus. After the visit, TCU is now my number 1. I have applied to the Economics Major EA.

Parent, and loved it as well! :slight_smile: The day was well organized and full of spirit. Campus is gorgeous, well maintained and students appeared happy and friendly with one another. Appreciated the breakout sessions, especially impressed with the Honors College presentation and the open forum with Dean of Admissions. Visited out of curiosity, now TCU is in our child’s top 3. Business major, most likely.

I am a HS senior and also visited on 11/14 for Monday at TCU and was very impressed with the school. This was my second campus tour and first residential hall tour. The day was very organized and the interest sessions were very imformative and helpful. The visit assured myself that TCU is the place where I would like to further my education. I would be majoring in Finance.

i have never been to Monday at TCU but i am extremely familiar with the school. I also did a campus tour but on a Friday which is a pretty slow day. I honestly love TCU! Applied ED as a nursing major!