<p>Of 1193 applicants 116 were admitted. The Chicago student admit rate was 9.7% which was very comparable to the overall admit rate of 8.8.%.</p>
<p>It seems the University has reached out more Chicago students but not inflated the admit rate. Of the 116 admitted 73 enrolled - yield rate was 63% which was much higher than the overall yield rate of 53%. I believe the 45 full tuition scholarships helped a lot.</p>
<p>The UChicago Promise has done a good job to reach out more Chicago students. But it still has room to grow. Chicago had 40K high school students from which 25K had graduated in 2013. The 1193 only represented 4.7% high school graduates. Since the university is just in the backyard of the city a 10% (assuming half of the top 20% of the class) application rate should make sense.</p>
<p>Does anyone have any ideas of other urban universities’ number from their own backyard?</p>
<p>I believe it was from the city only - students from high schools in Chicago.</p>
<p>No number was reported for the state of Illinois and it cannot be easily deducted. I remember Illinois students represent less than 20% of total students.</p>