<p>ok, not really, but you knew that before you opened the thread</p>
<p>ok, heres the real Q:</p>
<p>I "have a friend" who goes to a sort of ghetto high school with few opportunities for the usual burb resume fillers (Quiz Bowl, NASASHARP, the usual) but who has a couple of meaningful ECs (aside from the obvious helping tsunami victims in SE Asia):piano, chess (founded a club @ a local college, Math League, AIME qualifier etc.
so, will he/she/it be discriminated against merely because of not going to a high-opportunity high school???
thank you very much</p>
<p>no it's what you make of ur environment that counts...</p>
<p>ive always thought you'd have a better shot at harvard if you went to a lower school, and achieved high (valec., high AIME score, bunch of AP tests).. you stand out way more, versus you going to palo alto high or torrey pines where everyone is in diffrential equations classes and 4.6 GPA</p>
<p>Wait, so, did your friend get into NASA SHARP? That's an incredible accomplishment. Very very awesome. </p>
<p>Also, I would think that going to a low-opportunity high school could only benefit your friend. It makes your friend stand out and it demonstrates a drive that may lack in his/her other peers.</p>
<p>Very cool.</p>