<p>I'm a junior. Here's a thread full of questions for those of you who are done</p>
<p>This was my first SAT
Math: 650
Reading: 600
Writing: 630 (60MC/10E)</p>
<p>Total: 1880
Target: 2050 (+170) need single sitting!
Dream School: UCSB</p>
<p>I know that is way over what I need for UCSB, but I want to get higher for personal pride. If I studied as hard as you all, there is no doubt I could attain a 2150 or so. But, obviously that's a bit of an overkill for UCSB.</p>
<p>When should I retake the test? January? eh...
I'm thinking I can up my math by 100 points... can I get any advice? What should I do to go about this besides just doing blue book problems. The problems that I get wrong are ones that I seriously just don't know how to do. can't figure out the first step. Help?</p>
<p>And in writing... nothing more to say. That was just bad. 60MC? My brain was really strained by the end, those 14 questions at the end killed me. I really ****ed that up.</p>
<p>Don't listen to the other people. I was in the EXACT same boat as you, haha. Weird. I got a 1890.....and in this October SAT I received a score of 2050 (exactly your goal).</p>
<p>I was able to improve the most on Writing and critical reading, as my math was already decent. I would say, try to get writing to a 700, math to a 700, and critical reading to a 650. Work on writing a good essay, trust me, it isnt too hard. Math is pretty simple, although a couple of mistakes can get you down to the low 700's. So Be careful. Critical Reading is the hardest to improve on, but all you can do is practice practice practice for it. It will improve if you do this. </p>
<p>". If I studied as hard as you all, there is no doubt I could attain a 2150 or so. But, obviously that's a bit of an overkill for UCSB."
Sure you could and pigs could fly?</p>
<p>It just doesn't make sense. If you want to get into UCSB, i suggest working harder on your application than anything else. Go for the 2000 if your GPA is bad, but i just have a hard time understanding why you want that score. It's because you friend scored higher than you, isn't it. Admit it.</p>
<p>Not the thread jack, but I figure I would post it here since its semi related.</p>
<p>I really want to get into UCSB as well and my sat score is 1960, however Math\CR is just 1230 (Writing 730). Will the the UC's look down upon this since writing is often regarded as the least important section, or will they just look at the final score of 1960 and rate it the same as lets say someone who got 1400 combined math\cr and like 560 writing.</p>
<p>I'm pretty sure that the UC's give it equal weight, so you should be good :)</p>
<p>shiomi - If I really wanted to, I could go from 1880 to 2150. That's 270 points in 13 months. The thing is, I have no motivation to, seeing as how my school doesn't require that score.</p>
<p>Thanks for the positive feedback though, people.
Do you guys think 1880/3.9 is an instant in at UCSB (and let's just say to be safe, low 600s on the satII's)? I don't have any awards, and aside from 1 club, 2 years of soccer, and 100 service hours, I don't have anything.</p>
<p>Do you guys think that if I raised my score to 2000, it would be an instant in? I really don't want to have to worry with the admissions process. Fortunately for me, UCLA isn't appealing seeing as how I'm so anxious to finally move out, and UCB is just eh not my type of school. UCSD... well they have the stereotype of being boring people so that leaves UCSB. What "specs" so to speak do I need for an ensured (or the closest possible thing) entry?</p>
<p>270 points in 13 months? Why would it take 13 months to get a 2150? Don't make predictions unless you can back it up.
I have no idea what kind of SAT study would require 13months..
And no, 1880/3.9 would put you in the inning, but not be a guaranteed deal. There was a guy who made a post about getting rejected from most of the UCs (including SB) despite having a 3.8, 2310, 800s on most SAT 2s and a bunch of 5s on AP tests. Which was weird, cause he had pretty decent stats - nothing is for sure, so you best try and do your best, instead of settling for the bare minimum. (That guy was admitted to USC as a spring applicant though, weird huh? LOL)</p>
<p>Back up? The colloquial term "backing something up" implies that there is some sort of competition or, at the very least, you have something to prove.</p>
<p>That is the difference between you and I.
You see the SAT as something to prove, whereas I see it as something I need to take in order to get into my college of choice. I have nothing to prove to you, nor do I feel the need to prove anything to an internet poster.</p>
<p>And, it's evident that you clearly missed the point of mypost. Do you bypass parenthesis when you read?
Giving me a BS response and then padding it with something nice doesn't fly - the intent of your post was clear. That's why you subconsciously put it in the top half of your post. Calm down for a second and realize that not everyone has the same intent as you. Your intent in life may be to get a high SAT score. That's great and all, but that's about at the bottom of my list. Leave me out of your 2400-obsession.</p>
<p>Again, I appreciate all of you posters who gave me serious responses. It's one thing to get high scores yet still see the good in anothers 1800s... it's another thing to get a high score and mock those "lesser" than you on a measly, unimportant test.</p>
<p>I got a 1880 first time I took the SAT too.
Lots of practice tests…and then 2230 in OCt.
So it’s possible!
Practice tests from the blue book helps a LOT</p>
<p>Interesting, this is the second brand new member I’ve seen today whose initial post consisted of bragging about scores. I PM’d the other to try to provide some off-the-record advice. Coordinated trolling perhaps?</p>