<p>hey guys. i am a junior in ny who really wants to go to UCSD. my uw gpa is on the low side cause of this year(screwed up big time i guess with 4 aps and 3 hnrs class)(gpa has dropped to a 3.1 but will hopefully go back up to atleast a 3.4+ after i talk with my teachers and stuff). </p>
<p>anyways i took the SAT in march and i only got an 1860. Of course this score is extremely decent, but i believe i have more potential and i could definitely do a lot better. I am aiming for a huge 440 point increase so i can break a solid 2300. It is totally an extreme goal which probably won't happen but i wish to work towards it. Anyways i was looking around the forum and there is so much stuff about the SAT cramped up in various places. I was looking for a thread where there was a list of about 100 different SAT examples. I remember seeing it a couple of times but i can't find it anymore. could someone link me to it? I have already found the 12 score essay thread and i will hopefully develop my own 'frame' soon.</p>
<p>Also how do you suggest i memorize the vocab? i already bought DH but i will probably finish the book in less than a week. I am looking for a huge list. I have heard barrons has an amazing one but i can't find it in barnesnnobles. can someone link me the book via amazon or something. </p>
<p>my most weakest section is writing. i really wish to break a good 750 somehow. what book do you guys suggest i use to learn and practice writing grammar?
ow about a book where i can practice my SAT reading?</p>
<p>for math i obviously need practice.</p>
<p>thanks alot guys. appreciate it.</p>