1st semester schedule!

<p>I am an incoming freshman and I was wondering how my schedule looks? It isn't tooo tough right?</p>

<p>Chem 1A (3)
Chem 1AL (1)
Math 16A (3)
Nusctx 10 (3)
Japanese 1A (5)</p>


<p>Haha, your schedule looks pretty similar to mine! Drawing on what I’ve heard, I think your schedule looks fine (of course, input from someone who has actually taken these classes is probably more valuable than mine). If you’ve taken Calculus before and understood it, Math 16A should be fine, NST 10 is apparently easy as long as you’re willing to put in the effort of memorizing the lectures; Japan 1A also shouldn’t be too much trouble as long as you’re willing to put in the hours studying. If you haven’t had exposure to Japanese before, I recommend at least learning kana this summer. I can’t really comment on Chem 1A, but I imagine there’d be a lot of pre-meds in there.</p>