1st year pre-nursing student: What classes should I be taking 2nd semester?

I’m a pre-nursing at CSULB, and I (literally) just finished enrolling in classes for the Spring semester. However, I don’t really know if I’m heading in the right direction in regards to which classes to take. I’m currently only taking 12 units (Stat 108, PSY 100, POSC 100, and a Critical Thinking class), so I’m not sure if that means I should be upping the amount of units I take from now on. I also decided not to double-science next semester because I just don’t think I’ll be able to do well taking both Chem 140 and Biol 207 (Human Physiology) together, so that in itself is already keeping me from “graduating on time” (4 years). The other classes I’m planning on taking are an SI for Chem, COMM 130, SOC 100, and NUTR 132. I’m not too sure about taking Nutrition; everyone says it’s an easy class, but I don’t want to take it if it’s not necessary to nursing, or if there’s a better option for a nursing student. Also for my degree planner, it says that I should be taking a “GE Writing Intensive Capstone Course”. So I was thinking I should probably drop NUTR and add a course to fulfill that, but I don’t know where to look, why I need it, and when I need to have it completed by.
I’ve gone to advising, but all they really did was tell me “it’s up to you” and “whatever you are comfortable with”, which although is nice, did not really steer me in any direction at all. I’m honestly very lost when it comes to figuring out what classes I should be taking and when they should be done, so I would really appreciate any advice you guys have.

*I also asked about whether I could take BIO 207 at a cc over the summer and transfer the credits, but she just told me that they’d be explaining it at the next workshop in the Spring, and I know that cc classes fill out really fast and there’ll probably be a slim to no chance that I’ll be able to get one if I wait that long. Have you guys done it before? Or should I just take it Fall of 2018? We technically have until the end of our second year (SO Spring 2019 for me) to complete all the bio courses, but all the advisors said we should have them all done by Fall 2018 in order to be on track for graduation.

In addition to looking at the list of prerequisites for your college’s nursing program, also look at the prerequisites for another college that you might wish to attend as a transfer if you are not admitted to your own college’s program.

Your college may also have a recommended list of classes for nursing students, in addition to required classes.

At many colleges, nutrition is part of a nursing requirements…