<p>I have so many interests and I really would like to self study:
2) Chem (taking right now)
3) US Gov
4) Comparative Gov
5) World History (have taken honors world history)
6) US History (taking right now)</p>
<li>7) Psychology (taking right now)
I know I want to do Chem & Psychology...but I'm torn between everything else. Is this too much to self study for if I am aiming for a 4/5 in all the subjects? Is there any overlap that would make it easier to take both?</li>
<p>The biology, US government, comparative government, world history, US history, and psychology tests are basically memorization of facts. And while the chemistry test does not HAVE to be that way, most people I’ve met do it by memorization anyway.</p>
<p>I don’t see how you can possibly pull off even 4s on all the tests, if you’re going to memorize 6/7 courses worth of stuff in the next 4 months.</p>
<p>I think you can do it… But AP Bio… Save it for next year.</p>
<p>I’m taking AP WH/USH/Bio/Calculus at the moment and I’m self-studying 5 other APs (Gov/Econ/etc “easy APs”).</p>
<p>If you’re a bright student with a good teacher, memorization in class should be quite easy. The other APs that you “self-study”, dedicate some time to those.</p>
<p>Btw, there’s a thread up there about self-studying APs. If he can do it, you can do it as well. (Not doubting Oasis’s intelligence but I’m saying if you have the work ethics, it is possible)</p>
<p>I’d like to take a minute here to point out that intelligence and the ability to memorize a crapload of things very quickly are not the same thing…</p>