2006/2007 costs jsut went up

<p>Hey all,</p>

<p>I just found my S's financial aid award package posted on his MyUM. (As expected, almost nothing for need based, a smallllllll unsubsidized Stafford Loan is all). But the interesting thing was his Bowman Ashe scholarship (the 75% one) went up by $600. When I called to ask why, I found out that Miami's total extimated cost of attendance will go up next year by $2300.00.</p>

<p>The old rate was $41,764 (tuition, Room & Board, books, personal Spending and transportation estimate) and the new will be $44,099. But they haven't posted the exact breakdown as of yet on the Miami site. Since the scholarship went up by $600, you can assume that the tuition part went up approx. $800 of the $2300 increase. I would assume that room and board also took a fairly large chunk of it too. They said the new breakdown will probably be posted by next week.</p>

<p>Just an FYI to you all.</p>

<p>I think (hope :eek:) that we have here is a re-calculation of COA rather than an actual $2300 increase in R+B, tuition and fees or direct costs. As Tuition forms by far the largest single element and it "only" rose $800 (based on your $600), that would mean R+B would go up $1700. I sure the heck hope not .</p>

<p>Well, I know the 14 meal plan went up $106 too (the 20 meal plan went up $110) for the year. So that accounts for $900 of the difference. Maybe they also increased their estimates for books, transportation and personal spending money to be more realistic based on actual data. hope so. Some of that stuff you can control yourself to an extent.</p>

<p>My D was incredibly fortunate enough to be given a full tuition ad fees scholarship worth $29, 504. On myum it now says that scholarship is worth $30,732. Which appears to be a $1228 tuition and fees increase. Is the 3/4 , 3/4 of tuition and fees, or just tuition?</p>

<p>Interestingly, the following still appears on the website under scholaships:</p>

<p>Isaac Bashevis Singer
Full tuition
$29,890 annually
$119,560 total for four years
Top 1% class rank
A+ average
1500 SAT I or 34 ACT</p>

<p>Bowman Foster Ashe
3/4 tuition
$22,417 annually
$89,670 total for four years
Top 5% class rank
A average
1400 SAT I or 32 ACT</p>

<p>The addmissions letter said the scholarship was worth 22,417 but now its worth 23,049. As you can see above, it just says % of tuition, but when they post tuition it seems to include fees too. And the above info was supposedly for the 2006/2007 year. So it looks like they may have made an adjustment of their figures for next year in different places.</p>

<p>Doesn't really matter to us, S has already decided to attend and the scholarships will continue to give the same % of whatever the tuition is each year. This was his #1 choice and Ill just suck it up and continue to wish him success at where he wants to go.</p>

<p>And congrats again to your D for getting one of the few full tuition scholarships, that is a fantastic accomplishment. let's get the kids together next year, LOL.</p>

<p>I'm lost. I'm just happy that my D can consider UM. We needed 3/4 to really consider it. The full was just jaw dropping wonderful. So , have you sent the tuition deposit?</p>

<p>Oh yeah, within 48 hours he had me send in the deposit, submitted his meal plan choice, submitted and paid the housing contract and deposit. And his best friend also has done the same, they are planning on rooming together which is actually good I think, removes any possibility of the roomate from hell thing. They are both excellent students so should also keep each other grounded in their studies, although they both like to party as well. Gotta trust they know what is important. At least any more worry of this whole admissions process is over and done with.</p>

<p>S also had been accepted at SMU (with an excellent scholarship), USC (same), Stanford, and was deferred from EA at North Carolina. couldn't do Stanford due to $ being offered, having a legacy helped there I think.</p>

<p>Well, if you take your D's scholarship and take 75% of it, that comes out to what my S's scholarship is now. so it looks like 30.732 is the new tuition/fees amount for next year. Add the 110 for increase in the meal plan to the 1228 increase for tuition (1338) and that leaves roughly 1360 still to be accounted for in the total increase I mentioned in the OP. hopefully it won't all be in the room and board.</p>

<p>Worse than that, that would all be in "room" only. LOL. I'm betting that they went up on the books or other indirect costs estimates some.</p>

<p>Thanks for letting us know aid awards are out!</p>

<p>Miami is likely off my list now.</p>

<p>I only had 61% of my need filled, and 37% in grants.</p>

<p>Is there any way to appeal the decision?</p>

<p>Yikes, I hadn't heard about the increases yet. I did just fish around the website and found the room rates for 06-07. A double will be $5486/yr, up $262 from this year.
<a href="http://www.miami.edu/UMH/CDA/UMH_Main/1,1770,42701-1;42712-3;43009-3;43002-3,00.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.miami.edu/UMH/CDA/UMH_Main/1,1770,42701-1;42712-3;43009-3;43002-3,00.html&lt;/a>
FYI-My S is a biochem major and spent about $800 on books for the year. Chem and Calc and Spanish textbooks were used for 2 semesters each.</p>

<p>All school costs have gone up. Just check out Carnegie Mellon whose tuition alone is OVER $32,000. University of Richmond raised their tuition by a whopping $10,000 to $34,000 per year.</p>

<p>Many of the top schools are having big increases in tuition. It is a fact of life that isn't just applicable to Miami. Even state schools are raising tuition 10% or more per year.</p>

<p>$1338 + $262 still leaves a bunch unaccounted for, doesn't it? But I haven't seen the $44,099 number yet either. I will remain naively optimistic.</p>

<p>I really don't see that the increase is that much, not compared to past increases colleges have been putting through. The tuition increase is only 4%, not that bad at all.</p>

<p>The $44K number was the number I was given directly by the financial aid office, they haven't updated their page with estimated total cost yet though.</p>


<p>You can always call the aid office and try to negotiate more. Just have a few good arguments. A lot will probably have to do with your stats and what not, how much they want you to commit to UM. Being in sales, there is an old adage you should remember: You can't get the order unless you ask for it.</p>

<p>go for it.</p>


<p>LOL, you don't really have mush to be optimistic about. ROFLMAO, your D has the best of all worlds gien the full ride she got tuition wise. Again, what an great accomplishment!!</p>

<p>jdm-I agree, 4% does not seem too bad and is right in line with what we have seen the past 3 years with my oldest's school, it's just that the first time you see that $44k figure, it jumps off the page at you. :eek: Don't forget, as my S like to point out, all the "free" perks like no charge for washers and dryers and sporting events....free, yup, he just doesn't count the $44K! LOL</p>

<p>In all seriousness, we have been very, very happy with UM and are glad S is a Cane.</p>

<p>I found it. Here's a link to the 2006-2007 fixed fees. There are small increases in each category (tuition, room, meals, mandatory fees not included in scholarships) for an approximate total increase of $2146-new students, $2100-returning students.</p>

<p><a href="http://www.miami.edu/UMH/CDA/UMH_Main/0,1770,9754-1;31010-2,00.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.miami.edu/UMH/CDA/UMH_Main/0,1770,9754-1;31010-2,00.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Wow, talk about burying it deep in the website. So if you look at the room and board, tuition and fee increases, that still leaves $354 of the new $44,099 total I was given unaccounted for. They probably split that up into Books, travel and personal spending as updated estimates and just haven't posted it yet.</p>

<p>To save money, I'm going to instruct my S that he's not allowed outside of his dorm room unless he's going to class or the cafeteria. That should cut out the personal spending amount. During breaks, he can stay in the dorm, or during breaks where the dorm closes down, I guess its an underpass for him in the Miami area. That will cut out the transportation cost except beginning and end of the year, LOL. WhooHoo, I just saved over $2,500!!!!!</p>

<p>By the way my-3 sons, I get conflicting info. I have seen several places where the washers and dryers are free at UM, but in their "Campus Living" guide there is a page that specifically says its $0.75 per wash load and dryer load. What's the real story?</p>