2008 Dec. SAT Subject Tests

<p>Discuss what you guys thought about the subject tests that you guys took.
I took Chem and thought it was not as hard... i was glad that there were more theoretical questions than application cause i can't do math in my head.
The history (US) was weird... im not sure how i did because sometimes i knew the subject, but the question about that subject was obscure.</p>

<p>How did u guys think u did?</p>

<p>I took math, US history, and literature. I hate literature, didn’t do so hot on math, and I think I might have done semi-ok on US history. Either way, I’m still screwed.</p>

<p>I took world history, physics, math II</p>

<p>THE WH TEST WAS A JOKE! It’s highly possible that I get negative raw score. I just though that Poland is often considered maybe not 3rd, but 2nd world. So I’m from different world and therefore have different world history. simple, but it’s going to kill me.</p>

<p>I was expecting 3*800, but I will have hopefully 1 (math), physics- don’t know, since I didn’t manage to even read last 6q, and omited few on the way (about 5-6), few got wrong (2-4), so maybe 720? We’ll see…</p>

<p>BTW, Princeton requires 3 subject tests, and I’m taking SAT I in January, so retaking it’s impossible ;/ Do you think that if I’m going to major in engineering, is there any chance that they will overlook this history test?</p>

<p>wrong FORUM DUMBASSES!</p>

<p>^??? why? it’s OK</p>

<p>rsamp2008: reread the forum title. we’re in the correct forum. that makes you the dumbass.</p>