DECEMBER 2008 SAT Subject Test: World History

<p>Afterparty? I'm an International student in Asia, so I got to take the test hours earlier..</p>

<p>I just wanted to see how all of you SAT II World History-ers did on the test!</p>

<p>I don't want to violate any rules, so I'll have to keep my mouth zipped until everybody's taken the test!</p>

<p>haha i thought some qns were really hard… but then again i never took history in sch ><</p>

<p>how was it mosdef? how did you prepare, and how did it meet/surpass your expectations?</p>

<p>Okey, I hated the picture of the woman…</p>

<p>skipped 1, 6 wrong…lets see! This test sucked!^^</p>

<p>anyway, good luck for those who still have to take it!</p>

<p>How did you like it?;)</p>

<p>personally I though that it was much harder than any practice test I did.</p>

<p>Impact of the Enlightment to Latin America and Spain? I left that one blank</p>

<p>Questions I got wrong:</p>

<p>Viceroyalities of Spain: I put mexico:(
Iranian revolution question: I knew that one but I gridded the wrong one in:(
Africans for Africans: :frowning:
I confused Tang and Han reactions towards buddhism though:(</p>

<p>Anything else you were unsure of? the questions are fading in my memory</p>

<p>From the first five questions…
I had already gotten 2 wrong…the epic of gilgamesh…and the theravada buddhism one ******
And then the relentless pummeling of abasing questions began…Jainism, the 2 Judea questions, the one about early Hebrews, the Augustus Caesar (didn’t read choices >_>), the one with American society and natural disasters, the initial intentions of the British to colonize Australia, (to name a few of the first 70) and the last 25 eviscerating questions about modern history (which I did not study at all).</p>

<p>And isn’t the answer to the viceroyalties question Mexico?</p>

<p>…I think I’m gonna burn my ****ty WH book (which told me about the most useless info: the banana was traded by Malay sailors).</p>


<p>i was registered for the world history test but at last days i changed it.
how was it?
Good luck 2 u guys!!!</p>

<p>gilgamesh is correct right?
mahayana buddhism= stresses buddha himself
Augustus caesar= octavianus but i forgot the answer choices but i think i have this one correct
reading the text= gold from africa and mostly luxury good shipped
jainisim= i guessed to advance oneself spiritually, but i almost took to keep peace (what do you think?)
Brithish and Australia= convicts (thats an easy one)
viceroyalities= peru, i looked it up now and mexico was called new spain back then
what was the early hewbrew thing? i guess i put help the poor? (different wording though)
5 pillars of islam= was the charity(although it had the disturbing details of 2,5 %, but it MUST be correct all the other choices had nothing to do with islam)</p>

<p>what was the picture of the woman? I put soviet propaganda and neoclassicism (i had a guess between that and surrealism, but for surrealism it was not abstract enough) i found the answer on wikipedia = Soviet Neoclassicism OH YEAH BABY haha [Surrealism</a> - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia](<a href=“]Surrealism”>Surrealism - Wikipedia) … looks different IMO</p>

<p>i could still kill myself for the ayatolla khomeni question though… ahhhh</p>

<p>anything else?</p>

<p>lol, it’s called socialist realism… :P</p>

<p>What was the Africans for Africa thing though?</p>

<p>was that an answer choice?^^ otherwise …:(</p>

<p>What was the “enlightment effect on Latin America and Spain”? i left that one blank, just curious though</p>

<p>africans for africans was marcus garvey… i put kenyatta:(</p>

<p>anything else you missed?</p>

<p>ACK, that test had a lot of Enlightment, Rennaissance, ancient empire stuff. I know I missed all the Judae questions. :(</p>

<p>For the questions about Asoka, Constanitine, and Muhammed- the answer was used state to promote religion right? (i don’t remember the exact wording)</p>

<p>Yeeah Gilgamesh is correct. Idk for the exception in Sumerian religion question though. I answered D, which was about the Mother Goddess, thing but now I feel the right answer was the gods were frivilous & childlike.</p>


<p>Asoka he was the guy who really liked Buddhism in India but he also respected other religions</p>

<p>I think Constantine respected a lot of religions too </p>

<p>and Muhammad or mohammed i forgot…well i just remembered reading that when the muslims conquered they still respected people’s religions.</p>

<p>so my answer was not intervening with peoples religions or something like that</p>

<p>Now that people have taken the test, and seen some thoughts about it, I think I have to cancel the test…</p>

<p>Has anyone taken this test twice? I left 13 blank (I solved the questions but left them blank in the answer sheet, ran out of time in the end to fill those circles in)</p>

<p>On top of all that, I think I already have about 5~6 wrong…</p>

<p>Should I cancel this test? I think I omitted too many questions (although I solved them… OMG!)</p>

<p>I think the World History test has super diffucult, what could be my score with the curve?</p>

<p>why did russia miss the european renaissance</p>

<p>was it b/c of mongol rule or something like tectonic knights or something like that?</p>

<p>I don’t think I did GREAT but I don’t think I did well either. I definitely missed the Judea questions. I never took a World History course either but I’m generally really good with history so I studied a book and took a shot. Don’t think it paid off though :frowning: I may just retake it in January anyway. </p>

<p>I answered the Sumerian religion question with the mother goddess choice as well but I don’t think that’s right, hah. </p>

<p>For the question that had the passage of a Han official writing to the emperor and it asked what situation was parallel to it. I put a German Catholic ruler after the Peace of Augsburg but I have NO idea. It was my third test and my brain was fried :(</p>

<p>the viceroyalty question was confusing</p>

<p>spain had 4 viceroyalties…</p>

<p>Viceroyalty of New Spain
Viceroyalty of New Granada
Viceroyalty of Peru
Viceroyalty of La Plata</p>

<p>does anyone remember the question??</p>

<p>your asoka thing is correct
same here about the mother goddess and i share your opinion!^^</p>

<p>i think that mother goddess one was right</p>

<p>during the test i was thinking how the southwestern cultures were misogynists even before islam came about so</p>


<p>so yeah i didnt think theyd worship somethign like mother nature or whatever</p>