<p>So I wanted to see my fellow classmates’ schedules for this summer and to let 2011 know what they can look forward to in 14-15 months.
<p>Dates are approximate:
I have first period, first go: jump, aka 5 solo sky dives :). (June 2nd to June 12th)
first period, second go: Global engagement, aka set up a base and play warrior (June 13th to June 23rd)
Second period Leave (go home/somewhere June 24th to July 14th.
Third Period Ops, most likely in Japan (location unconfirmed) (July 15th to August 4th)</p>
<p>I’m psyched!!!</p>
<p>That is awesome. Is it possible to do both skydive and Soar? Well congrats on the sweet schedule.seya in a couple weeks</p>
<p>Here's mine. To answer your question, cdk0089, you cannot do both. You do one freshman year (unless you're stuck with BCT prep) and the other during your academic year one of the 3 years left.</p>
<p>First period: Leave (June 2nd to June 23rd)
Secdon period: Ops, no idea where. (June 24th to July 14th)
Third Period first period: GE (July 15th to July 25th)
Third Period second period: GE (July 25th to August 4th)</p>
<p>Now i'm super psyched for summer:</p>
<p>First period (first go): jump
First period (second go): GE
Second period: Leave
Third Period: Ops</p>
<p>Looks like i'll be spending time with hornetguy, (but probably different Ops bases). So i won't be around when the 2011ers are going through basic, but i'll see you after, especially if you're in Demons-Bravo for basic</p>
<p>Scary, same schedule. 8) lol. Should be good fun jumping out of the planes!</p>
<p>G4C, I don't think you meant two periods of GE, what is your airmanship?</p>
<p>What sucks is both my room mates have academics, leave, and "operation support," basically sitting CQ for the gates in Jack's and such. Glad I got out of that!</p>
<p>my roomies have jump one and soaring other (he's football IC, so he couldn't apply for jump). i can't wait til end of May to find out what base i'm going to...</p>
<p>Ops first go
Jump Second GO
Leave Second Period (heading back to CT)
and OPS Third Go </p>
<p>2011, one thing to keep in mind is that the ways they have been doing OPS for the past couple of years is that the top 100 militarilly in each class get to go overseas(OCONUS [outside the continental US]) for OPS. Now while Alaska is considered OCONUS, you could also go to Hawaii, Japan, GB, Germany, Italy, or Korea. Keep that in mind.</p>
<p>Whoops...here's my real schedule.</p>
<p>First period: Leave (June 2nd to June 23rd)
Secdon period: Ops, no idea where. (June 24th to July 14th)
Third Period first period: GE (July 15th to July 25th)
Third Period second period: Jump (July 25th to August 4th)</p>
<p>Lokos like I'll be around while 2011 is just finishing up BCT...if I see any of you guys...mwhahahaha. :P</p>
<p>1st period: Ops
2nd period 1st go: GE
2nd period 2nd go: Soar
3rd period: leave</p>
<p>I hope to do the soaring IP upgrade in the fall.
My squad got the shaft. We only got 3 jump slots and 2 soar slots (or something like that)...I'm in the fortunate minority.</p>
<p>What's difference between OPS and GLOBAL ENGAGEMENT?</p>
<p>Global Engagement is about 10 days doing wilderness combat type stuff...it's in Jack's Valley...you get gassed, etc.</p>
<p>Ops is where you go to an actual operational AF base for a month...usually stateside, but a few go to Germany, Japan, Italy...you just kinda shadow people around the base and see what they do and (hopefully) stay out of trouble. :P</p>
<p>Ironically, I'm in the bottom 100 people militarily (last semester room mate doomed me with room autofails) but since I'm either 1 or 2 in my japanese course, I get freshman priority for Ops in Japan. It pays to take a language!</p>
<p>Haha, good for you!...for ops that is, not your MPA</p>
<p>Let that be a lesson to all you 2011'ers...DON'T autofail!</p>
<p>How does a cadet Autofail???</p>
<p>If you do a number of things wrong, like leave your door unlocked, leave your drawers unlocked, leave your rifle charged, leave your computer unlocked...etc. Those will all auto fail you on a surprise inspection (AMI).</p>
<p>....and DON'T leave your trashcan in the hallway! (Son got a form 10 once for this behavior -- it being the second time he did it!!)</p>
<p>OK so lets get this straight you have to Soar and Jump out of a perfectly good airplane. I am OK with the soaring thin, but jumping out of a XXXXXXX airplane, Oh No...........and I was worried about having to swim at USNA. Well all good things come with a price.</p>
<p>You get a choice...but jump is supposed to be the most awesome thing ever.</p>
<p>other than jump and soar, some ppl get space ops or bct prep. they just aren't typically as wanted (b/c not as fun) as jump and soaring.</p>
<p>the selection is based on OPA (overall grade point average, which is academics mostly) and also some AMT input. So don't slack in grades at first, because it can come back to haunt you.</p>