***2012 Ron Brown Scholarship***

November 1st - application will be considered for the Ron Brown Scholar Program AND forwarded to a select and limited number of additional scholarship providers. </p>

<p>January 9th - final postmarked deadline in order to be considered for only the Ron Brown Scholar Program ONLY</p>

<p>The Ron Brown Scholar Program seeks to identify African-American high school seniors who will make significant contributions to society. </p>

<p>Applicants must excel academically, exhibit exceptional leadership potential, participate in community service activities and demonstrate financial need. </p>

<p>The applicant must be a US citizen or hold a permanent resident visa card.</p>

<p>Each year, ten to twenty students will be designated Ron Brown Scholars and will receive $10,000 annually for four years, for a total of $40,000. </p>

<p>The recipients may use the renewable scholarships to attend an accredited four-year college or university of their choice within the United States. </p>

<p>Ron Brown Scholarships are not limited to any specific field or career objective and may be used to pursue any academic discipline.</p>

<p><strong><em>This is from the 'Other Scholarships Thread</em></strong>**
I figured that more people will notice it on this thread, so if you are applying, have applied or are thinking about it, discuss!</p>

<p>My daughter applied for this a few years ago. IMO, it was more competetive than QB and Gates. She did get to the semi round which was about 63/5600, but no further. There is a parent poster on this board who’s kid made it to D.C. Maybe they will chime in. I know it is a cliche to say it is all in the essays, but for the RB, it is SO true. Be authentic and tell your story.</p>

<p>A friend of mine won it last year. His stats seemed pretty normal to me…</p>

<p>I’m applying as well. I’m so mediocre it’s ridiculous. I’m giving it a go though!</p>

<p>Are we allowed to superscore the SAT?</p>

<p>I want to write my highest scores across 2 sittings. For example, I will list all 3 scores in one of the 3 sections, but above the one for the second sitting I will put the date.</p>

<p>do you know when they send out notifications?</p>

<p>The essays do say it all. I procrastinated until it was too late for even the most fervent prayer to save my application. If you make it to the semifinalist round, don’t blow it!</p>

<p>I received my notification about 2010 semifinalist status on February 5. It was more exciting than finding out about college. :slight_smile: Good luck with your application!</p>

<p>And I believe there’s a poster (he doesn’t come on often) who made it to the finalist level my year (2010). You’ll have to dig around in the old threads to find him, but he’s there. Send him a pm and see if he responds - he’s a really nice fellow, so hopefully he will. :)</p>

<p>Im applying for this scholarship! I am working on my last essay and it doesn’t feel good enough. Im not sure if I should write more or just leave it as it even though I haven’t reached the word count.</p>

<p>Could anyone help me out and give me a second opinion on my essay?</p>

<p>I’ve got everything ready except for my Teacher Recommendations. I’ve just found out about this scholarship this past break so I haven’t been able to contact any of my teachers to see if they might be able to write me one. I know the deadline is Monday. Is there anyway to send everything but the reccs (and send them separately on another date)?</p>

<p>Hey! If you’ve been accepted into a school via an Early Action program, is that something you should say in your application?</p>

<p>Does anyone know when we find out if we are a semi-finalist or not?</p>

<p>From last year’s threads, Semi-finalists are notified early February (~Feb 4th) and have 'till the Friday of that week to finish some essays.
—I am a little worried about my application, It was postmarked on the deadline but I am a little scared that something went wrong & they didn’t get it in time. :(</p>

<p>I applied for the early deadline. Fingers crossed. I heard that it is SPECTACULAR aid.</p>

<p>I applied. :slight_smile: I did last year; didn’t win. So maybe this year will be my year.</p>

<p>just got my conformation (that I applied). It’s officially on.</p>

<p>Thanks! You should be fine. I did the same thing</p>

<p>@pokm12 I didn’t get a confirmation. Should I be worried?
Also, those who used the earlier deadline, did you get an email?</p>

<p>meh, it doesn’t really matter. The only reason they sent it back is because I included the self-addressed stamped envelope. If you didn’t include one, I wouldn’t expect confirmation.</p>

<p>but I <em>am</em> wondering if I should have told them about the early action acceptance…</p>