<p>Hi everyone,
I haven't found a UC to UC transfer thread as of yet so I decided to start one. I'm hoping I can find people who are in a similar situation as me who want to transfer to another UC but currently go to a UC and not a CCC. We can share stats and try to help each other out with the process. Hopefully transferring within the UC system is possible and achievable. I'll post my stats later, but I hope we can make good use of this thread!</p>
<p>Hello CC!</p>
<p>Current school: UCSB
Applying to: UCLA, UCSD, UCI, Cal
Major: Political Science
GPA: 3.79
GPA with projected fall grades: ~3.83
Major GPA: ~3.92
Major Prereqs: done for UCLA, UCSD, Cal
UC Reciprocity: yes, after fall
ECs/work: virtually none
No Ws or P/NP </p>
<p>Good luck everyone!</p>
<p>Hi :)</p>
<p>Current school: UCR
Applying to: UCB, UCLA, UCSD, UCI and not sure of UCD as of yet
Major: Anthropology (I want to double major in either bio or psychology later on)
GPA: 4.0
Major GPA: So far 4.0 taking 1 more pre-req this Fall
Major Pre-reqs: All schools require different courses but will be done for sure with Cal’s pre reqs by this quarter. So far I think I have completed all the pre-reqs except UCLA’s req is not offered here
UC Reciprocity: Yes after spring!
E/C: Not many as of yet I have done some research in a psych lab and will be doing some more this quarter (wonder if this will look weird as I am not pursuing a psych major as of yet?) Am involved in some clubs but no board positions
I have 1 W and 5 units of S/NC coures (mainly from a freshman advising seminar and a chemistry workshop)
32 AP Units Took 36 units Last Year Currently taking 17… Might be very close to the unit cap :o when I apply I might have 115-117 quarter units</p>
<p>Hoping I can keep my 4.0 =( I know UC to UC is kind of risky and want to maximize my chances as much as possible. Good luck to everyone!</p>
<p>Copied from that other thread…</p>
<p>Current School: UC Irvine (boo, UC-UC transfer…)</p>
<p>Applying to: UCLA, USC (chance if possible)</p>
<p>Current GPA: 3.827 (anticipating a drop to as far as 3.65 after fall quarter with O-chem)</p>
<p>Major: Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology (more interested in) OR Physiological Sciences (better for professional school but must compete with premeds. I am no longer premed). </p>
<p>Prereqs: Will not have finished a semester of Physics. Will not have finished one year of Calculus (assuming that Multivariable calculus is required). Will not have done any Biology labs (no under division bio labs at UCI…). </p>
<p>UC Reciprocity: All GE’s will be completed by Spring 2012 EXCEPT for the two upper division Writing GE courses required by UCI.</p>
<p>ECs: Basically nothing of note. I joined one club in which I attended weekly meetings (learning about healthcare professions) but did no volunteer work within it. Deans Honor for 3 quarters(?). I won a Scholarship too…but other than that, I think I’m going to be relying on highschool EC’s My biggest regret.</p>
<p>Other reasons for applying: Not to whine or anything, but I really am not feeling Irvine at all. I love culture and meeting different people but it seems like the culture in Irvine is one of rich people who like fancy things =/ I do love UCI as a school a lot, but I would like to try something different. Also, when my sister is going to college next year, my parents are going to move to an area closer to UCLA. Living at UCI is the bomb right now but its not exactly something I want to keep paying for. I would like to commute.</p>
<p>BTW, would someone kindly teach me how to calculate UC GPA because I took a community college course after my senior year of high school. I ask this because my official grade from that school was an A, but my unofficial UCI transcript doesn’t show it as being anything, other than credits (grouped with AP credit basically).</p>
<p>I think UC-UC transfers should get a subforum…its kind of hard looking for intercampus transfer info.</p>
<p>anyone know when we apply for in our UC school to send the letter of UC Reciprocity? Spring quarter?</p>
<p>After you are accepted, you send the reciprocity letter.</p>
Your GPA looks good for polisci for most of those schools, UCB maybe a bit of a reach. But your lack of EC’s may hurt you. Join a club this fall, perhaps Model United Nation. It’s an internationally recognized organization that I’m sure, if you’re active in it, i’d look great on your app. </p>
GPA looks great. But instead of the psych lab, maybe you could try to get into an anthro one, more major-related. </p>
I know a guy that got into UCLA Fall 2011 from UCR with an approx 3.75 GPA into molecular, cell, developmental biology. So your chances look great. Considering ECs, maybe talk to professors you’ve had and try to get into their lab for research. </p>
<p>Good luck, all!</p>
<p>Please Chance!</p>
<p>Current school: UCR
Applying to: UCB, UCLA, UCSD, UCI
Major: Economics </p>
<p>Cumulative & Major GPA: 4.0 (hope to keep it, if not, probably in the
3.9+ range)</p>
<p>Major Pre-reqs: Done after Fall quarter, except for one Calc requirement for UCSD that will be done by Winter quarter </p>
<p>UC Reciprocity: Yes after spring</p>
High School- not much except for a few clubs (not positions)
College- UCR Honors Program, Work (Office job on campus), Econ Research Assistant, Summer 2011 Business Internship at local newspaper, Honors Society</p>
<p>I also have an extracurricular on campus, a position for Campus Outreach where I write some of the UCR magazine articles and hold workshops for students. I was wondering if I dropped this extracurricular (don’t really like it, takes up too much of my time), will this really adversely decrease my chances of acceptance? </p>
<p>Thank you.</p>
<p>Definitely in for UCSD and UCI no doubt about that! You have an amazing GPA, thats the highest I’ve seen on these forums.
This year all you have to do is just focus on finishing up those last major prereqs/ge for reciprocity. Oh, and of course try keeping that 4.0 and youre completely set. (the UC website as well as the berkeley transfer brochure repeats a million times that those three are the most important factors)</p>
<p>For other side factors, you’ve done MAJOR related extracurriculars which is what they really care about (especially cal) - and this will help you write a great essay for prompt 1.</p>
<p>I think UCLA and Cal are slight reaches by definition of UC-to-UC being hard but you have a really good chance to be honest.
<p>also, for UCLA you can check out stats [Profile</a> of Transfers from other UCs - 10 Fall - UCLA Undergraduate Admissions](<a href=“http://www.admissions.ucla.edu/prospect/Adm_tr/Tr_Prof10_UC.htm]Profile”>http://www.admissions.ucla.edu/prospect/Adm_tr/Tr_Prof10_UC.htm)
so it says in 2010, 221 kids from UCR applied and 45 got in. </p>
<p>(I’m a poli sci major at UCSD trying to transfer to Berkeley, so I know where youre coming from) </p>
<p>good luck!</p>
<p>@ strive101,</p>
<p>thanks for the encouragement but I’m willing to bet that person you mentioned had all his pre-reqs done If you notice what I wrote about pre-reqs, you’ll see my major holes <em>sigh</em> I’ve never heard of anyone getting into UCLA life sciences missing major pre-reqs, less, an intercampus transferee. I’m currently on the fence about whether to sign up for that last class or not. I’m getting a bit clingy to my GPA.</p>
<p>As for you, I’d be baffled if you are still at UCR next year. That’s all I have to say :)</p>
<p>Hi everyone,
Sorry I have been a bit busy with school I think everyone that will have their pre-reqs done and also GE’s by the end of this year should have a good chance. The minimum GPA we should keep above is a 3.5 since we do have a harder time as UC to UC transfers. I know it is really a stretch for the upper UCs like LA and Cal but it does not mean we do not have a chance
Do any of you guys have any experience with having less than 12 units? I’m afraid that is the only thing that might affect my chances, but not completely sure if they really take into account that kind of information. I did mention that most of my units my Fall quarter of 2010 were also S/NP because they were both seminars :X but i’m hoping they will see an upward trend in my grades and units.</p>
<p>Goodluck on apps everyone!</p>
<p>UCLA states on their website that they give UC transfers the same priority as CCC students. So I don’t really get where people are getting the notion that UCLA is somehow very difficult. Statistically, 23% or so UC transfer applicants get in, which is less than 10% lower than CC transfer stats.</p>
<p>Cal, however, actually states that they discourage UC to UC transfers. So I guess thats a little different.</p>
<p>^ Yeah, I never knew UCLA gave the same priority until I looked on the site, I didn’t and still don’t believe it. </p>
<p>Good luck with midterm week, my fellow intercampus transfers!</p>
<p>@mmsiphone, can you link to where Cal says they discourage UC to UC transfers? I’m a little heartbroken upon reading this :(</p>
<p>Also, did you guys mark yes or no for “Did you complete the UC general education requirements?” if you’ll be finishing them up in the spring quarter?</p>
<p>Sorry for double post but, I went to a CC for a class but ended up withdrawing, should I list that or no?</p>
<p>If I do list it the application asks me if I finished IGETC. I will finish my campuses GE’s which equates to IGETC to the extent of my knowledge but I’d like another opinion but for now I marked Yes.</p>
<p>Does IGETC = GE? Because I will satisfy my campuses GE requirements</p>
<p>Hi, just wondering, I will likely finish all my GEs if I can get into one more class (have to crash) but if I don’t then am I ineligible to be admitted?</p>
<p>You can finish your GE’s by Spring quarter before you are admitted. I think if you do not finish GEs then you have to take more GEs at the new school. I don’t think it makes you ineligible, it’s just you have to take more classes. I don’t know how much it would affect admissions or if they will rescind admission if you tell them after you are accepted that you have not completed the GE requirements, but I’m trying to take all my GEs by Spring.</p>
<p>hey guys! right now, I’m just desperately trying to finish all the GE’s and major prereqs, so that doesn’t leave me any room to take more “rigorous” upper div courses. </p>
<p>I was wondering, would this adversely affect my chances, making me look less competitive than an intercampus transfer who may have taken a lot of hard upper div courses? </p>
<p>Thank you!</p>
<p>Not at all. UC junior transfers aren’t expected to have completed any upper division work.</p>
<p>@mmsiphone ok, thank you for ur reply :)</p>