2014 admissions results?

<p>Anyone get admissions results yet? Aren't they being released today (March 1)?</p>

<p>I got an acceptance letter last week. I am transferring from Indiana Univ this fall.÷_÷ I am looking for a small and affordable college so geneseo seems to be my best choice.^^. I hope theres many Korean there</p>

<p>^I guess OP is talking about RD, not transfer. Btw, I applied RD, but didn’t receive any letters from geneseo today. I think we should wait until next monday. Anybody else?</p>

<p>i applied RD and haven’t received any letters either. are we notified by mail only or also email?</p>

<p>No word here either. They did not seem to communicate much during the waiting period as other schools did. I hope that’s not a bad sign.</p>

<p>Haven’t received an email or letter yet -_-</p>

<p>Yeah they dont. You can ask them anything. They reply back really quick</p>

<p>Got my acceptance letter today in the mail, it’s inside a folder containing the letter of admission and few packets describing Geneseo. </p>

<p>Congrats IntExp!
Nothing here yet, we live in the Buffalo area.
Do you live near Geneseo?</p>

<p>Son still waiting, but two students from his school (that he knows of) already received their acceptance letters :frowning: </p>

<p>Thanks, buddyapple! I live in NYC, I was so excited when I got the letter! It was postmarked Feb. 27, but the letter was dated March 1st. </p>

<p>Still waiting :frowning: but I called the school, they said it should be received by the end of the week</p>

<p>Daughter was accepted. Letter arrived in NYC yesterday.</p>

<p>Still waiting… Does anyone who has been accepted care to share their GPA, etc. Thanks!</p>

<p>The mail just arrived here also and still no letter. We are in Buffalo.</p>

<p>Accepted in Western New York. Here are stats:</p>

<p>SAT I: 740 V, 710 M, 730 W
GPA: 4.0 unweighted (96.something)
Class Rank: Top 11%
Public high school

<p>Acceptance letter indicated that the number of applications this year was overwhelming: 10,000 applications received for 850 spots.</p>

<p>Good luck to everyone who is waiting.</p>

<p>Finally received D’s acceptance today! We live only 20 min from Geneseo so we were getting anxious. Can’t wait for her to come home! Congratulations to all accepted and Good luck to those still waiting!</p>

<p>Finally got the acceptance letter today. Good Luck to those waiting!</p>

<p>Acceptance letter received today. Western New York. </p>

<p>Funny, this was the only acceptance letter that didn’t start off with “Congratulations”. Instead, they talked about the schools rankings and prestige instead. </p>