acceptance letters?

<p>When does Geneseo issue acceptances and is it via mail, email or online?</p>

<p>According to their website, “Admissions renders all fall freshman decisions around March 1”. I think it’s by mail but I’m not positive.</p>

<p>Mail, and its sooner than march 1st, but march 1st at latest.</p>

<p>So I guess sooner than March 1st isn’t happening. I presume no one has heard. There doesnt appear to be any type online login , like other schools have.</p>

<p>Pretty much. My daughter called admissions last week and they said March 1st.
Also they used to have an online portal to check the status of your application and they took it down I think early January, they said they were having problems with it.</p>

<p>It seems like the last two years, decisions were mailed the 26th; in both cases closer people started receiving the admissions letters as early as the 27th. The year prior, people reported hearing starting on the 28th, so maybe the packages went out the 27th. This year, however, the 26th was a Saturday, so if they were trying to follow prior practice as closely as possible they may have mailed the 25th, Saturday, or today, depending on whether they work on Saturday. Accepted= big envelopes.</p>

<p>Admissions office today said the letters should go out in a day or two. They have not sent the mailings out yet.</p>


<p>s/w admissions. Letters are in the mail as of today.</p>

<p>I got in! :DDD
It was great to see that big envelope in the mail. I’m very happy!</p>


<p>Nothing in today’s mail. We are OOS so maybe tomorrow?</p>

<p>Would those who have been accepted mind posting their stats?</p>


<p>Gender: Female
Ethnicity: White
Location: In NY, 2.5 hours from Geneseo
SAT: 650 M 720 CR 790 W 2160 Composite
ACT: 33 Composite
GPA: 97 out of 100
Rank: 25/208
ECs: Black belt in karate and have been training since 2nd grade, band since 4th grade (am now section leader), track and field, National Honor Society member, in the international club at my school and hosted a Costa Rican exchange student</p>

<p>Yay! Following the previous post (on behalf of my D):</p>

<p>Gender: Female
Ethnicity: White
Location: NY
SAT: 670 M 710 CR 640 W 2020 Composite
ACT: 33 Composite
GPA: 3.6 out of 4.0 (unweighted)
Rank: school does not rank
Courses: Honors/AP whenever possible but never more than one year ahead; 6 APs by graduation
ECs: Black belt in karate and have been training since age 5, orchestra since 4th grade (am now section leader), choir and student-run singing groups, Science Olympiad, and dozens of hours spent volunteering for a scientific organization.</p>

<p>Sure. I’m sure it’s just because you’re out of state, I live in Buffalo so it would not take the letter long to get here. :)</p>

<p>Gender: Female
Ethnicity: White
Location: NY
SAT: 690 CR 670 M 690 W
ACT: 31 Composite
GPA: 94.18 weighted, with upward trend (92s & 93s to 96s & 97s)
Rank: 15/233
Courses: Honors/AP, 5 APs by graduation, 1 CLEP, Calculus from a local university
ECs: skiing, theater, irish dance, camp counselor, etc</p>

<p>Did anyone in Westchester area get admission decisions or just upstate more?</p>

<p>the kids at my d’s school in upstate NY all heard today. D did not apply, but LOTS of her friends did! congrats to all who were accepted. Great school!</p>

<p>Posts 12 and 13 are disturbingly similar.</p>

<p>Haha Grape1. I noticed that too. I had to take a double-take because the second one was so similar to mine.</p>

<p>No letter today in upstate NY. I live further than 2.5 hours away though so hopefully tomorrow. :)</p>

<p>nothing in long island</p>